By day 3 the worst is NOT over. Im glad you posted this. It is completely normal to feel some tightness in your chest. Although smoking can cause urgency with your bowels, nicotine withdrawal symptoms have more unpredictable effects and may either cause constipation or diarrhea. According to the CDC: More than 2800 e-cigarette users have required hospital admission due to EVALI through February 2020; 68 of these people died. My very LIFE depends on it! Started at 6mg to 3mg to 1.5mg and finally .75mg. When I had a week moment, I would always go to a website and lookup the benefits of quitting and I told myself, I am a NON SMOKER and I am PROUD of that. Improved circulation, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and better oxygen levels and lung function all reduce your risk. So vape didnt become a prob for me. This is so hard! If not, my experience is Ive been 2 days off the cig and, even though I had a terrible evening yesterday and woke up at 4 am its no alarm clock, my body feels cleaner and relaxed. I am determined to quit, so I know I am not going back. I read all the above info and yes most makes SENCE. The two chemicals when released in extra quantity than the brain normally does, serve to improve cognitive brain functions such as clear thinking and the brains power to memorize, etc. Puts my mind at ease. Back pain was actually a major heart attack at 42 years old. It could only work because I wanted it to and worked hard at it. Not knowing your gear, or the builds you use, 120ml a week is normal for many people here, especially with subohm high wattage vaping. Today marks my 1 month nicotine free and i can still feel the tiredeness, a bit of anxiety, sleepy at work and i know i can pass this. Way worse than cigs. This is my 3rd week so I need to read & listen to encouraging comments like yours. You can also call your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222 if you're. Chest-tightness. These are the first effects youre likely to feel, often within four to 24 hours after quitting. Yeah I thought it was supposed to get easier with time. Its like losing a friend. Need to remember not to hyper ventilate too much though. We can do this , I knew someone who had smoked for 40+ yrs. In solidarity I am also quoting. Quitting cold turkey is not the way to go for a lot of people. Anyone else? As a result, a user might develop a chronic cough if they develop a vaping habit. I've smoked about ten roll-ups a day for just over ten years- reduced my levels to about half two weeks ago for a week, thenthis last week smoked 5 cheap straights(nasty)3 hamlets (smelly)andten marlboro red which I did during music collegefora whileafter I started smoking initially). For example, you may smoke shortly after you wake up, again on the drive to work, after eating meals, etc. About 2-3 months for me too now. Same routine for a year. If you've experienced a vape-related illness or injury and want to share your story, reach out to Julia Naftulin at The demon took over me 37 yrs ago when things in my life went array.I knew that this day would come! Nicotine leaves your body on day three, which is why withdrawal symptoms peak then, Dr. Djordjevic says. Got through the foggy head, lack of concentration, hideous constipation and irritability though still fighting weight gain and insomnia. Im sitting in class right now typing this, and honestly I could use a cigarette or a hit. Stay strong and dont ever relapse . Chest pain; Shortness of breath; Vaping-Related Lipoid Pneumonia. A hallmark of quitting cigarettes is the bad mood, high temper, and frustration that a smoker experiences. I am 42 and have smoked regularly since I was 13, with the exception of a year I quit for in 2003-04. Again Good luck to all. Follow us onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter, and keep reading: We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. I am kind of wondering where that led. per month and i participated in 5 or 10 km. Been almost 24 hours and havent had one second of releif. I think its helpful and positive to call yourself a non-smoker if your not smoking. I quit five days ago, cold turkey. I quit recently, and discovered that ITS NOT AS BAD AS ID HEARD. I am on champax. In August 2019, the CDC began tracking cases of severe lung problems in people who vape. Its true that you cannot concentrate or think good during nicotine withdrawal. I PRAY I AM SUCCESSFUL! I can eat but have no filter to tell me when Im full. I took up vaping 2 years ago. Im on this blog today because Im having a craving. I agree dont put off the things that may trigger a return to the with it..iif its a coffee have it if its a wine have it..but do not smoke..dig deep..very deep..find a place that is there but you have not found before that say no morenot ever ..never..and thenjust dont..NO MATTER WHAT..good luck..we can all do this..we can. Just make sure they are not hard pills. I can already see a healthier bank balance but oh I wish the side effects of not smoking were easier than this! Aside from the usual 5-15 extra pounds upon quitting, now I have this achy bs to deal with. I love the Is this all you can throw at me!. I never had anxiety until i experienced it. Ive become an avid runner, and mess around with free weights a lot. It is so bad, that I am afraid to loos consciousness. OHHH BARKEY. That familiar feeling of holding a cigarette between your fingers is one of the most powerful associations for most smokers and is likely to be one of the first ways you will feel like something is missing when you quit. Good luck! I smoked pretty much every day (2017, age 25). If that doesn't do it , then see the doctor again . Oh Barkey I knew a Barkey once, that girl kept barking and barking I didnt have the heart to tell her she was a cat. Nicotine has major effects on your appetite and digestion, so it makes sense that withdrawing from it could also affect those things. i have also had the feeling in the right side of my back more recently. I didnt know the withdrawal symptoms were going to be so bad. My whole day revolved around my next cigarette. I gave up, coincidentally, about 2 weeks after getting over Covid. The nicotine in an e-cigarette may be just as harmful. I started smoking since I was 18. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Was told nothing was wrong with me. Congrats! After suffering from a mild bronchitis (early pneumonia) and receiving some treatment antibiotics and syrups- my doctor advised me not to smoke through this 10-day treatment. Consider beginning some positive new habits like snacking on healthier foods, like fruits and vegetables, and getting regular exercise like taking a walk. 8 days into quitting chewing tobacco after 25 yrs at a can a day. I quit with mild discomfort. i started smoking in 1981 and now quitting in April 2018 almost after 37 years. Sad part is, I worked medical and should know better than to continue smoking. You are awesome and you have my full support! You all are awesome and I love you!! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Good luck. 7 Sneaky Things That Affect Your Blood Sugar Levels. I just want to stop. A date you can never the death of a friend or birth of a baby, or a wedding day, etc good luck to all!!! Ive smoked 20 a day for 50 years, so I can understand why its hit me so hard, but I never expected it to get more and more difficult as each week passes by. Partner smokes. I vape all day as needed 0 nicotine. Sorry one more thing to add. Day 4 symptoms: overslept & got into work40minutes late, feeling super tired & just not with it, no concentration, zero motivation, dont want to talk to anyone today & just want to go home & hibernate ? I experienced the samehow do you feel now? 38 yo, I havent smoked a cigarette in 12 days after 18 years of a pack a day. ), but i was just wondering when the anxiety and the tightness of the chest would go away. I didnt slept well last night. also i have trouble taking deep breaths a lot and when i do it feels as if theyve been stretched out and are sore or something i am hoping they are just healing themselves or something.. this is probably unrelated but my joints have been extremely sore as well also they pop like crazy!! However now I suffer from extreme dizziness. You can do it. My day came on New Years Day. I do not want to smoke, so I wont but, there is a part of me that thinks, dang, with the way I feel, why not just smoke, I felt better, people liked me more. Okay, this post took a wrong turn. The dreams are intense, bizarre and vivid for a while but they level out. I didnt get any support from anybody! Hi Sheila. Another positive effect when you quit vaping is less inflammation. That and my inability to sleep greatly worsened the problem. I have smoked for 44 years, 20 years ago I tried hypnosis and it worked for around six weeks, on My 20 2019 I tried hypnosis again, I had arrived at a point where I just decided that enough was enough and I have just gone past the one year of not smoking, I am so pleased that I have been able so far to have stopped, even with hypnosis it still hasnt been an easy trip but I have waited many years to be able to say when someone asks me for a light, sorry I no longer smoke, what a great feeling, I can smell things again taste things again and smell fresh instead of smelling like an old ashtray.. Hello, Ive been a smoker since I was around 15 years of age. i smoked for approx 30 years then vaped for 3 years. I quit smoking a week ago and its been horrible!!! It is hard though. So I went to a vape shop and got a mod. Would need support and distractions from anyone who can find time. it has been slacking off now! Being winter I thought I had caught the flu since I have very stuffy nose. Im on day 3, the mood swings are bad (not like me at all). For more information, please see our As your brain is looking for satisfaction, comfort or stress-relief that it was getting from vaping now its irritated after being deprived of it. Hi all, I am at day 5 now. Id suggest any smoker to get a copy. If you smoke, there are ways to lower your risk of COVID-19: Wash your hands well with soap and water before and after you smoke or vape. You inspire me.33 hours with no cig. I vaped at a 3mg daily. My dog Justin is a great listener. I have smoked for over 40 years, right now I am on the chantix and it is taking away the cravings, I have went thru the starter pack and at the moment have 3 days left on it, I then go to the regular chantix for another 30 days, once I am done with the starter pack then I am done with smoking I have set my last day of smoking and I will stick to it. I tried Chantix and made me nauseaous. I also have had a bunch of cancer sores spring up that have made my mouth incredibly painful since quitting and a constant sore throat. A 20-year-old from Utah, Alexander Mitchell, was diagnosed with lipoid pneumonia and later, acute respiratory distress syndrome, because his vape habit caused too much fluid to collect in his lungs. After talking to my brother, who also smoked, he told me the same thing happened to him years ao when he quit smoking. shortness of breath after stopping pain killers. I went Cold Turkey and quit for 9mths. I am more addicted to my e cigarette than anything else. Then I decided Id had enough of this stupid smoking stick that controlled my everyday. I have to quit for good there killing me. Just remember your made of tougher stuff then what u think u got. You can even mimic the two finger motion of holding a cigarette or vape. My advise to anyone is. Good for you, its tough isnt it? I agree with your appraisal. The wife and I are both on the same track and she is vaping with me. I am now on day 3. Giovanni. Also the left side of my chest feels really tight and strained. It is common when you are experiencing nicotine withdrawal symptoms to feel like you have a much shorter fuse than normal. But reading these comments, and knowing I am not alone, helps alot! I wish you all the very best. Have stopped smoking now for 28 weeks after 65 has been hell .had all withdrawal symptoms .still get tired .but my taste buds are up the least the craving has gone. Im going to read the book How to quit smoking the easy way very soon as I think it will help bring important things to my memory. I want to be done smoking, so I will be. Addiction is a weakness. In statistics gathered by 29 states, the agency has recorded 68 deaths. They are often the last side effects to cease. Anyone whos vaped in the last 90 days is at risk for EVALI. For folks who struggle with anxiety during withdrawal, please read posts here, theyre far more calming and lot better than seeking the support of loved ones ( not really but, save them the agony for your misdeeds? I just dont know what to do and any help or insight would be appreciated. ?? Seeing an accuputurist who told me, you can NEVER have even one again because your addiction will get worse every time you try to quit. These things do help me with getting through the cravings. So lets start with the physical sensations. I am having hectic withdrawal symptoms. Every week am improving but dizzy from more than a month and chest discomfort raised suddenly low concentration and short term memory hard to wake up. Wishing you the best of luck. My Parents and both their parents smoked and my mom smoked through all her pregnancies. Im in my 3rd week without cigarettes & the withdrawal symptoms are still with me at times but I think the Buspirone lessons them. Into day 3 nicotine vape and cigarette 3 feel great and realise no physical symptoms just mental niggles.. Im not going back I hated smoking so glad to say Im free from it.! now god forbid the dog prob thinks im going to eat her and its all i can do not to go to the store and buy juice for my vapor,but i know i wont, i just cant figure why i have the urges and appetite now after 1 and a half months. When I get a craving I puff on the vape (Aspire PockeX). And plenty of chest tightness and pressure. Im 3 months into quitting and I feel like hell tired insomnia cortisol levels are high anxiety depression and I really dont want to smoke how long can this last? You may have coughing fits, tightness or mucus in your chest, and a slight hoarseness of your voice. It worked!!! I am on day 3, I am using an inhalator and 15mg nicotine capsules, they are expensive but they are working, I feel like I am walking round with a dummy in my mouth most of the time haha, I dont care as its helping the cravings, I would absolutely reccommend them. Support Will always help, but if there is no support lets be brave enough and strong enough to kick this in the balls. If they sound like your experience, seek medical care promptly. On day 6 now its soo hard.. went cold turkey urge anyone to read Allen Carrs Easy way to stop smoking.. a must read!! I think God so very very much I am still here today and can continue my life I will make it a supreme effort To discourage others from smoking cigarets. 1 week since I last smoked. Afraid as well to loos my job. I filled up my gas tank, and then gave my wallet to my wife. 3. I pack lunch every day now. Going outside would be very unusual for me due to the lockdown, so theres no chance of me buying a pack without being noticed, and at that point I might as well ask my brother to give my vape back. One session, no cravings and cured for life. You just described my last several weeks. And I WAS a smoker for 48 years. M thinking of quitting but not abel to but when i saw all t comments made my mind to quit now i smoked aroud about 15 years now wann to be a non smoker. Organize your work in advance, take a few breaks to help with concentration issues. I am 60 years old and have The body of a 35 or 40 year old man. Havent smoked for 2 and a half months now. Good luck in 2018 to all of yall quitting cigarettes too,Im 3 days in myself . For me, eating junk food seems to kill the craving and eventually improve concentration. Was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and COPD years ago and was prescribed inhalers that helped. I also found my energy levels dropped and i was really foggy in the mornings for a few hours each day. But should be getting towards the days that get better now. I recently just quit everything all together,and I have been experiencing tingling and like hot flashes in my chest. Ive just reached 6 weeks and I feel terrible finding it really hard to find pleasure in activities I used to enjoy. Help Passed all the major and intense withdrawals except these. Thinking can smoking really be this bad for me. I wasted monies on the disposable as I did not want to invest snd this did not lessen the nicotine which may have been an easier route Nicotine is a hard drug to kick and entirely possible! Good luck to all you quitters it can be done. Know its early days but know I wont go back. And I exercise regularly to keep my mind occupied mostly good luck! You all got this! Or we both are! I was scared too, but I think I was more scared of not quitting. Step 2 Talk to your medical provider regarding your smoking cessation needs. I remember talking to an athlete in Greece who was a heavy smoker. I feel the way you wrote,towards alcoholics and drug addiction. The only things my lungs need is fresh air. Instead, prime yourself for quit-smoking success by repeatedly telling yourself that you can quit and the process will be challenging but bearable. I didnt even know I liked pimento cheese. Its been a breeze. They are the same. Andrea do you exercise? If I sit for too long, its tough to get moving again. . No cravings to speak of but I am experiencing high levels of anxiety, panic attacks, and getting very emotional. I quit smoking on 05/11/2017 After two years of smoking on my 5th month cold turkey nicotine. Decided two months ago now down to one cigarette a day I was at a pack a day. Im sure the 3 degree weather is not helping. As I write the urge is therebut will subside. I cant stop the small coughs, headaches, my hands and feet sweating uncontrollably. I did try vape but didnt like that it burned my throat and made me cough like crazy. Its hard but it can be done!! You werent born addicted to nicotine. My car is clean I dont miss moments with my kids and my wife is happier I motivated her to stop some of her own vices. So say a prayer for me too . I myself trying to quit smoking because of my Swollen Epiglottis, Im On day four with it Already Feel Like shit I have been smoking since I was 6 yrs old im 25 now and I smoke abnormally Id smoke like entire pack In 1 day or 3 packs In 1 day or 10 packs in 3 days I could smoke Entire bag of Tobacco Bag which is like 6 oz or 16 oz within a Week Im starting to feel Like shit luckily I got Weed to help me through i quit cigs but Not weed for it helps me not smoke cigs lol. over a year ago. I am not going to say I hope this quit sticks because the word hope seems to leave the door open for relapse. Quit that as of today. Shortness of breath after stopping smoking, costochondritis and quit smoking in agony, can costochondritis be connected with quitting smoking, breathing problems since I quit smoking 8 months ago, Parent concerns on marijuana use and sides effects. Smoking cigarettes can have a number of negative effects on a person's lungs. after ECG, 2D Echo test and blood test he did say my heart is ok. Smoked for 25 years one pack per day. THANK GOODNESS! Linda the crying I get . Worst part was, these symptoms repeated themselves every 2-3 hours and stayed for 20-40 min everytime. I know I can get past this 3-4 day hard time part! Your thoughts are powerfully influential. Please tell me it gets easier!!!!! The withdrawals seem harder compared to smoking as with smoking, i started to hate the smell at some point after ceasing. I jumped at it and in one session I was cured. No excuses, am having family crisis which makes it hard as I use to comfort myself by smoking. My sister told me I think I should seek professional help about my anxiety. Its been nearly 5 days. I've gotten tests done and they all have came back fine. feel like im going crazy! I am experiencing anxiety every now and then and high blood pressure (it goes up to 150-160/80-90), probably triggered by the anxiety. Quit smoking cold turkey 12/20/2016. I have been walking every day and I do yoga but if I dont move constantly, its tough. Cbd is cannaboil its not an addictive sub e3stance, Listen to music, start riding a bike daily, exercise helps with sleep. Not knowing how long it's been since you stopped smoking, your body goes through many transitions and withdrawal symptoms. I guess one day I will get my body back to the fit being I used to be. That was it for me. i dont want to start again. Have tried to quite many times but very hard. The first five days of quitting cold turkey totally SUCKED! It has help so far. It's continued for a month now. I would do serious research. People dependent on nicotine use it as a resource to fuel up their daily lives. The 0% makes it easier because you can still vape while losing the nicotine out of your system. Im just so tired of being addicted and having a crutch. The chemicals in vape juices, the liquid that's heated to a vapor for users to inhale, is laden with various chemicals, many which are known to cause throat irritation. i am glad for you. Still dont sleep well. But all of these things are sideffects of the nicotines powerful effect on our brains. Then, i started vaping about 4 years ago. I started at 12. I CAN do this. Reading other quit stories when youre exhausted is pure gold. Best to suffer for 3 days and endure a couple of weeks to be really free from all that cr**. Try to get in at least 30 minutes a day. 2 weeks and 3 days since I had my last cigarette, Ive given up smoking 3 weeks ago and I shake my body aches I cry all the time , and I also suffer with my sinuses can anyone else tell me if they have gone through this please. Im miserable, but I wont give in. Tried smoke away before this and quit in three days. 3. Thoughts of ending it all even. Tired, cranky, no patience. Today is 2 weeks quit for me. Doctor diagnosed me as type 2 diabetic. Hopefully the memories will fade but i feel like keeping a cig around is a symbol of my perserverance despite temptation since I havent lit it yet. Im on Day 6 but have had to resort to patches for about 7 hours a day because I just wasnt coping anxiety and depression were taking over. But when you cant stop something, there is an evil there too. where do all the tears come from? 7 years later I am trying again. So the longer you avoid e-cigarettes, the healthier your body will be. Best off luck to your all. I was only able to quit before when I was pregnant with my 2 children but started up again shortly after they were born. Maybe the experts that wrote that report have some pointers. Wheres the like button?!! If you feel like you need a nap, take one! You can do it!! When you smoke, impurities build up in the lungs. My husband smokes, and I wont ask him to quite, because I know if you dont do it yourself, you wont do be able to do it. [W]hen the outbreak of EVALI occurred with multiple deaths noted, we have learned that the majority of the individuals involved vaped THC, although there were still reports of people who vaped exclusively nicotine, says Tsai. Barkey! I am sure it will get easier. Although fatigue is a vague symptom, the CDC said people who were hospitalized after vaping often reported feeling fatigued either days or weeks after using an e-cigarette. In as little as 20 minutes, your heart rate returns to normal, your blood pressure drops, and your circulation starts to normalize, says Nikola Djordjevic, MD, project manager of Med Alert Help. But quitting vaping can be difficult, just like trying to stop smoking. Now that the physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal have calmed down, you can relaxbut not too much! Smoke free yesterday until 6 pm. I usually feel better after I walk. I am telling you giving up smoking cigarettes was easier than the vape. 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting, your risk of heart attack drops. ugh, this is the god knows how many times I quit for more then a couple weeks. Got an anxiety attack about 3 weeks back after my BP went haywire,spent a good amount not knowing what it was. I am on day 4 , one day at a time. It takes time. Thoughts welcomePlease! Once I do that , I think it will be easier. Going through tough experiences is always easier when you can turn to friends and loved ones for emotional support. It worked on stopping the cravings but made me a true crazy person (Im bipolar 1 already but this was so much more than that) and Im so grateful for acupuncture that allowed me to quit without going back to that horror of a drug. If everything came back normal that's excellent you're 100% healthy! Thank you in advance! I started smoking when I was 16, then switch to a Juul so I could hit in class without Ms. Leri noticing. I quit 2 days ago and I have terrible nightmares every night so far. I will be so happy when I can say I have no more symptoms and have a normal life again. Well itd better. Normally this is something I wouldnt even be thinking about but I quit smoking about 1 week ago. I actually just had an axiety attack today which took 6 hrs to get rid of. I vaped for 4.5 years. etc. Im so confused. Good luck! I hope I dont get hooked on this stuff, I QUIT SMOKING 1 MONTH and 4 days ago MARCH 1st . I quit smoking about 2 years ago & been vaping since. When will this craving or withdrawal stop? Like a habit of oh, I would vaping right now and lose the thought process that I quit for just a moment. I suffer a similar problem except the pain is in my back roughly situated where my left lung is, I have not touched a cigarette since the 2nd of Feb but the pain has persisted for 2 days and it happens every time I breathe in (air). Quit before cold turkey for 6 years. Cant shake it right now. Whatever it is, i know vape is the cause and I must quit before it gets worse. Had been considering taking up vaping as supposedly relatively harmless compared with smoking and allegedly helps with the getting fat which is carcinogenic in itself, not to mention depressing, but looking at earlier comments its sounds as if its as hard to get off vaping as cigarettes, so maybe not such a good idea? Knowing its all temporary and will pass keeps me going. Nicotine is an addition, the only way to beat it is to keep it out, all of it. The first week will go by in a flash? Would definitely recommend but you have to be mentally ready or youll be wasting your money. How long did your withdraw symptoms last ? It was undoubtedly the worst 6 months I've gone through. Are these common withdrawal symptoms? I described smoking to a non-smoker the other day as having a button that you could press to make something good happen. Certain Underlying Lung Sensitivities. Hurt like a mo-fo. I am pleased with the vape actually and it is much better for you than cigs. Feels like a Benjamin button case over here. Thank you so much for this piece of useful information, perfectly explains what we as ex smokers goes through. I also ate what ever I wanted, this included many sweets, which I found replaced that feel good feeling you got from a cigarette. I am on day 3 and breathing deeply. Waking with diziness and headache beddragging feel disorientation feels like total shit state. I smoked for years, quit then got on nicotine gum, hooked on that for over 10 years, finally quit but Ive had many short-lived relapses, luckily Ive been able to nip them in the bud before full on addiction set in. Both parents and all adults in my childhood smoked. I tried cold turkey but my stomach was killing me. for all of us that are doing this thing!!! Getting through one month without a cigarette is a big accomplishment, and you should reward yourself. I have been vaping with CBD oil and it has helped me with the withdrawl symptoms. If you havent had nicotine withdrawals yet, you may be experiencing them by day three. The first week was crazy. Muscle and nerve pain and spasms. The cigarettes were rotting us from the inside and giving us a half life. is anyone experiencing these symptoms? This is not anymore a debate. Unlike the classic pneumonia caused by infection, lipoid pneumonia develops when fatty acids (the building blocks of fat) enter the lungs.