El despus, es pnico y preocupacin. Was the reception that bad in those locations? And why? So they hide a lot of the gang activity and downplay what happens, which exacerbates the problem. While I was reading over the story again, I decided to review their photos one more time. Los expertos en conductas humanas (psiclogos, antroplogos, etc. The hanging object and other points of interest you highlighted reminded me of this. Thanks for your interest in the case and providing some input. I never noticed this before It will be interesting to see where the photos were actually taken. And there have been some other unsolved murders in the same area where the girls were. They make no sense in spite of the speculation. This case certainly is perplexing, as many of the disappearances Ive written about. Its a sect of foreign Christians that set up in the area and murdered 6 people FROM one of the local tribes. Beyond that, the police are even suspect in altering evidence and not preserving it. In image 505, it is around 4:30 PM on April 1st. Also, #509 was deleted after all of the other photos were taken, which means someone went back and deleted it after all of the nighttime photos were taken. Froons bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally, but Kremerss bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in their deaths. It is extremely easy to photoshop a photo once it has been darkened. The photos give the appearance that they are PROMPTED to go ahead by someone. I think that Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon underestimated their surroundings and were ill prepared for this adventure. The Panamanian government had requested that the U.S. deploy assets including Navy salvage divers and sonar to aid in the search effort and locate the wreckage in the days after the crash, but the request was denied due to a lack of assets and jurisdiction, according to a statement from the Velleman and Borries families. I too noticed a nose and lips appearing. The predator is methodical. If someone can determine a gang affiliation for that image, it might be possible to determine where the traffickers were from. It could help shed more light onto the possible answer to the mystery. Nice investigation. Yes indeed!I hadnt noticed that before!is it a carved rock of sorts?. So if you look behind her bottom theres a patch of light which is the light at the other end of this tunnel and shes holding her right hand up to her face to sweep back a piece of hair. Sometimes that is all that is found. Two Dutch women who went missing in April in Panama are now confirmed dead, according to police and the women's families. Regardless of who created it, the fact is that the women made emergency phone calls shortly after they visited this place. Hi Carin, thanks for your comment. If they had solved the case, the international community (and the families) would have been satisfied and let it fade into history. That does not make sense if they were genuine. Wow, theres a lot going on in this picture. One obvious question - has anybody ever found the place that is in this photograph. Out of respect for the girls families, I think that comments like this, which I argue turn this case into some sort of entertaining Netflix series, should be removed. Why not just kill them and leave it be? Hi Chris, i uploaded the photo to show what i see. They should be alive and flourishing today. Why are both her hands behind her back? I would expect especially on the first day for total panic to occur and multiple attempts to be made until a decision was made to save battery strength. What Really Happened To Two Dutch Hikers Who Disappeared In Panama? I see the nose and mouth and possibly and eye, like they were trying to hide from the girls or camera and peaking behind branches creepy. That would account for a canopy structure being built there. US Is Europe's No. Jumping to conclusions too early, or on the basis of too little and incorrect information is likely to lead to the wrong conclusions. play. They place the evidence where it can be found, brining the matter to a close. I could go on and on. They maintained a great deal of secrecy and privacy and never officially published any information. All very different from the happy silly girlie pictures at the beginning. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were both adventurers. That is not a cave or a ravine behind her. Theres not a lot of information about the gangs in the Boquete area. I think murder is quite likely. You can bet your life if someone was with them at that point, then they were the culprits who had something to do with the girls disappearance. But I still had that curiosity. Keep the ideas flowing guys. Please note: Our team is committed to accuracy of information and respecting the privacy of those involved with this disappearance case. Plus, corruption in Panamas government is rampant. Im starting to think the girls were lured to Panama by some kind of human trafficking organization that might even be run out of the Netherlands. Even a subtle untimely laugh behind a mans back in Latin America can create a hostile situation if the women were alone later. Like so many other people I really, really wish we could find the answers to this mystery. It took us quite some time to get there.". I dont think there was actual foul play. Also, the other ones arent covered by man-made support structures. More than 100 pictureswere on the camera; the first few looked like normal tourist photos with the womensmiling together. Curious if people have found these specific locations and done some extensive testing and exploring in those and surrounding areas? Kris walks down the ravine and bends over to examine orange graffiti There are some walls of rock in an area which I think is called los Naranjos, not too far from the Pianista trail (relatively speaking) and is where people go climbing. Make sure you contact someone with this info. They earn money through drug trafficking, often theft and sometimes by extorting businesses. WHY? Both of their phones finally ran out of battery by April 11 - ten days after they disappeared. However, if Kremers and Froon had found manmade ramshackle structures during their hike, such as the possible items viewed in this photo, its possible they had unwanted company. If its part of the trail where people walk all the time I dont think something is up with this place. However, according to the Daily Beast: We now know that more than two dozen other victims also were reported in the same region of Panama, including a young woman from the United States found murdered earlier this year. From 2017 . This photo has been edited. According to ageographicalexpert, the three-mile stretch is relatively easy to explore, and most missing tourists return without assistance or come across search parties looking for them. Is there a head count of how many people have perished using the hiking trail in, say the last 10 years? Tourism generates profits of approximately US$1,400 million annually. 1 Long-Haul Tourism Market. Visit Panama City Beach officials tell us in 2021, our tourism numbers were up 50% over pre-pandemic numbers. When neither Froonnor Kremers turned up, the community decided to wait until the next day to contact authorities. Like you, I also live abroad in a developing country. Therefore, this can prove that the likelihood of a third party being involved is very high. International visitor arrivals in Panama 2021 | Statista Photoshopping is not hard to do nor is it very tactical as many have proposed here. Yes, you are correct that numerous communities do work hard to bring criminals to justice. Theres a circular object hanging to the left of Kris. I know that in previous photos there are trenches like this one naturally occurring throughout the jungle due to erosion, but this one doesnt appear to be from that. Its so cold. I havent spotted the finger with the silver ring in photo IMG_0580 thats the name of the hair photo, and in the night photos you found out that there are not one but two individuals that are of native origin nonetheless, which specific photos led you to that conclusion? And if there would be any clue in them that the girls were hurt intentionally, the parents would not stop being vocal about it. Like she was scouting and turned back to talk to Lisanne, shielding her eyes from the sun to see her. This is a fake and the pixellation errors can be seen up close (the gap in the crook of her right arm is IN FRONT OF her). Forced disappearance. It looks like there may be some red on her face too or other markings. CARACAS, Venezuela -- Few Venezuela ns have not had their lives touched by migration over the last decade, when more than 7 million people left the country amid a political . Realizing just how much trouble these two could have been in. The camera could have malfunctioned but this seem highly unlikely. Feel free to comment again or send me an email. Panama: Seven young people killed on trip to Gatn Lake At this point I have to agree with him, and I think its likely the trail guide and some men they met were somehow involved. https://photos.app.goo.gl/sLXepriuWAxz8t1R9. After frolicking in the sun and taking photos for a while they decided it was time to return home, BUT they had no idea where they entered the jungle so they could not find the way out of the jungle back go to the trail. Gary, great work on noticing things in such detail. There is, of course, the possibility that they might have agreed to share passwords considering that a remote wilderness could present an emergency that might result in a combination of one of them losing her phone while the other was too incapacitated to work hers. EERIE photos discovered on a camera belonging to two missing hikers revealed their mysterious final moments before both girls vanished in the jungle in Panama. Thats the very first thing that crossed my mind. Progress is slow because at least one of them has a cut tendon. Be careful. The 2020 cristian massacre was committed by a couple of men who were definitively altered in their state and heard voices etc. The jungle was searched for another ten days with the help of the cops from the Netherlands - but there was no sign of the girls. And theyre gaining steam in recent years. But so much of this search/investigation was poorly executed. Where is YNW Melly? Often, they. After the alarm was raised on April 2, a search party was sent to look for them but nothing was found until ten weeks later when a local woman who found Froons blue backpack turned it in to authorities. Brought to trial and prosecuted successfully: highly unlikely, less than 1%. Lisanne sets up a SOS with toilet paper and a mirror, hoping to get the attention of the helicopters. Article about our trip plans: Research Team Update Support Us, Campaign Link: Mapping The Jungle Trails Of Panama. Im not sure if people can really talk with animals but i sure would try and see by calling on a few and get their opinion. The red is the sunlight shining through the dead curled leaves. So its kind of curious that the most critical images are either cropped or missing entirely. Really sad story, whichever way you look. One thing which confused me were the bras the smaller one looks more like a bikini top. Surely they would put them back on if only for a little insulation. Read Matts article about the daytime photos (link) for more detailed information. It looks a bit wierd, but that is just because everybody is assuming they see her upper arm when in reality is is her lower arm. Im very curious what your experience is living in Latin America, because generalizations like your statement are certainly inconsistent with many disappearance stories and law enforcement activity here. We are dealing with history here. Bringing justice to assailants that harm tourists is very often not a top priority, and it shows through the number of botched investigations. The ambulatory friend began to assess how she might reach her friend, but underestimated the difficulty involved, thereby becoming less able to extricate herself from the jungle. The students' phone records also tragically revealed how they desperately tried to call the police. While posing with sticking out your tongue means for a Dutch native you found something disgusting, especially while simultaneously closing your eyes. I think in the original photo she is putting on her backpack, stretching her arm and back, and the backpack has been airbrushed out because of course she didnt take that with her. She would probably have gone into what looks like a cave or hut behind her, which may have been a booby trap leading to a long drop either through the floor or at the back of the cave. Its a complex topic. Hi Chris, i heard of this case a few months ago and i read many articles about it. She uses Kris phone, instinctively entering her own pin number. Machismo culture is very real and respect is considered to hold a higher level of importance in Latin America. Does anyone else see what looks like the back of someones head, their bare back and arm inside the manmade circular object? It also contained Lisanne's camera and both of their phones. There is no question thats what it is. Please remember to be considerate of the two girls that lost their lives and their families. The pair had been hiking around the jungle for two weeks as part of a backpacking trip - and they were planning to stay for another four weeks with their host family to volunteer at a local school. Hence the bras and everything safely stacked in the backpack together both girls sunglasses and both girls phones (otherwise each girl would be carrying her own phone). I think the most important photos were not the daytime ones; I think the most important photos were some of the legible nighttime ones. 9.3 million tourists visited Australia in 2019 (year ending June 2019). The BLUE object on ground could be a BRA. Do you or anyone else that you know of have any idea where in Panama this photo was taken? Lisanne believes her dead. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I suppose incompetence runs at many levels. A search eventually turned up a severed foot and scattered remains, but authorities had trouble determininghow the hikershad died. I think that if the parents had withheld important photographs,showing that the circumstances pointed to natural causes,they would have disclosed that theory before now, surely,if for no other reason,than to prevent further speculation about the girls disappearance.
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