Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Tom Holland)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. : Not only was she the wisecracking kid sister of everyone's favorite Panther king of Wakanda, but she would've also been the regent ruler of the kingdom with the acting king gone. Bring me Thanos! Yes, that's what killing you means. Drax saying that he can take Iron Man's blast straight to the face and everyone telling him he can't; Doctor Strange asking what master Quill serves ("What am I supposed to say? : You know whats happened since then? Banner: [ trying to get Hulk to show up] I need to concentrate for a second. All six Stones together were likely to kill just about every member of the Avengers who tried to wield the gauntlet, including Thor. Loki: I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again. You failed. : Peter Quill You seem like a noble leader. Quill: Dude, dont call us plucky. : For a time, you had that same will. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Black Panther/TChalla (Chadwick Boseman), in b/g MBaku (Winston Duke), Captain America (Chris Evans) and Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. Were more optimistic, yes. This is a Marvel movie, after all, and while things get real serious when they need to, it's still filled with laugh out loud jokes. I'll go. : Banner: Broke up, like a band? "What, like Footloose?" Instead, Thor really saw Rocket and Groot as valuable allies. Wait until Star-Lord learns that there was a remake. And what if you're wrong? My father killed my mother. In effect, certain events can never be changed, while the past and future are always fluidly changing. : It was an elective. Loki I would've washed that. Thanos: It would have been a waste of parts! : I ask you to what end? Stark: Yeah, but the kids seen more movies. Your hands are mine alone.". I told you that you would die for that. Dr. Gamora: Its like his muscles are made of kryptonite fibers. Banner: Im trying, but he wont come out. Of all the Infinity Stones that the Avengers have to steal during their time heist, you'd expect the Time Stone to be one of the most difficult. : : You may think this is suffering, no. [lifts his arm and the power of the Bifrost flows through him. Even as he eats space nuts, he moves so slowly that he just knows it is imperceivable to the naked eye. I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. Thanos As a result, when Thor went to Nidavellir for a " Thanos killing " weapon it was no surprise that Rocket and Groot (Vin Diesel) joined him on his quest. To feel so desperately that youre right, but to fail nonetheless. Eitri Even for you. I assume you're the captain, sir. Engage all defenses! Im Spider-man then. I was the one who stopped that. Soul Bruce tells her that Strange gave up the Time Stone in the present-past of 2018. Its weird. Quill: Why does someone always have to die in this scenario? : Millions will suffer. Rocket Raccoon Like Kevin Bacon? What did you do? The universal scale tips toward balance because of your sacrifice. | Banner: [after hearing Vision turned off his tracker] What, Tony, you lost another superbot? : Since then, they have spread throughout the continent and as far as Japan, where the success of the animated show Rascal the Raccoon made raccoon ownership popular. I, Loki, prince of Asgard Odinson the rightful king of the Jotunheim god of mischief do hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity. This ship. [Presenting the Tesseract to Thanos] Release Dates [mutters] Rage, vengeance, anger, lost are tremendous motivators to clear the mind. Thor By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Thor? The Earth's mightiest heroes. Thor Build Up Tony arrives at Stark HQ in NYC to stall Loki until Banner can get there. : Gamora: All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, when you got what you deserved. Chris Evans has been ready to move on to eating carbs and starring in indie movies for years, so it wasn't a complete surprise that he left the MCU on his own terms. : That is, it was. Yeah, he has. And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. Well, I could lose a lot. Loki : Confusing Moments In Avengers: Endgame Explained. You're going to die for that! : Gamora: [ to Quill] Not him. Dr. [talking to Thor on the battlefield] But there's one more emotion that most fans are feeling as they head home from their local movieplex: confusion. Stark: Hes from space. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict. Loki : Wake. As it turns out, though, it was Hulk who did the snap that undid Thanos' own fateful snap. Okoye: [ to TChalla] When you said you were going to open up Wakanda to the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined. Thor and Rocket (and Nebula, over at Titan) survived the snap, and five years after Thor killed Thanos, they teamed up with the rest to travel back in time and retrieve the Infinity Stones before Thanos did. Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in hell. Turns the legs to jelly. Earth is closed today. Stark: [ to Thanos] If you throw another moon at me, Im going to lose it! This universe has finite its resources, finite if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. Thor Then I had to kill my father. asks Spider-Man (who was on point with his pop culture references). The easiest answer is that the reason that the Hulk spends so much time talking about what time travel isn't is that they don't actually know what time travel is. Okay that didnt really make sense, but you know what Im trying to say. Bring me THANOS! $60.00. The Tesseract. : Look, this is my ship. Kill away! So that 50% of me thats stupid thats 100% you. Clint has to actually give up Natasha in order to get it. Looks like you've copied my beard. Rocket Raccoon Groot Thor: You know Im 1500 years old. Thor That's a great way to end a fight, but the scepter also has mind control powers, thanks to the Mind Stone. Even though the 2012 version of The Ancient One hasn't met Dr. Okoyeo: [ to Black Widow, referring to Scarlet Witch] Why was she up there all this time? [Heimdall sends Hulk to Earth by summoning the bifrost] RELATED: VIDEO: How Gamora REALLY Found the Soul Stone in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos And eventually arrive at Wakanda, all three together in such a . Groot Thanos is just the latest of a long line of bas__ _, and hell be the latest to feel my vengeance. The rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you. : Spider-man: You cant be a friendly-neighborhood Spider-man if theres no neighborhood. Thanos: [ to Thor and Loki] I know what is like to lose. That was a mistake. : The first instance of this is when Banner, Stark, Strange, and Wong confront Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian. And, as we've known for almost a decade in the MCU, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.". The Guardians of the Galaxy come to his rescue and it becomes clear that Peter Quill is the only one who isn't impressed with the Asgardian. [he, Rocket, and Groot charge toward the army. The decision to pair Thor and Rocket Raccoon in Avengers: Infinity War was an inspired one, as the pair played off each other well and provided enough laughs and emotion to carry an entire sub-plot of a huge ensemble film. So when they needed us, we could fight the battles Natasha Romanoff During the epic third act battle against Thanos' forces, Thor, Rocket, and Groot make an absolutely badass entrance to turn the tide of the battle. No. Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree. Thor: Well, hes been dead before. And it would all cease to exist. It will kill you. Hear me and rejoice. Loki Again, spoiler warning! Loki calls upon his alien army and a massive battle ensues. All-fathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last time. Then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye. : Both the past and the present versions of Nebula run on the same loop. I do have a bit of experience in that area. Thor: Yes, they taught it on Asgard. A handsome, muscular man. Thank you, sweet rabbit. I could lose a lot. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates. Peter Quill has never really had to prove his alpha male status with the other Guardians, so when someone like Thor comes along, he tends to begin overcompensating. You're about to take the full force of a star. All the kids on the bus crowd to one half to look at the spaceship while Peter makes his exit. But now is no time to mourn. Thor From time-travel hijinks to that explosive moment with Mjolnir, there's a lot of moments that probably left you scratching your head in confusion even while you were cheering. Steve Rogers, who has absolutely seen it all by this point, just answers back, "I am Steve Rogers." This is Thanos we're talking about. Thanos : Thanos is coming, it doesnt matter who youre talking to or not. No, he gave me a hundred credits. I hope they remember you. After all, unlike the Power Stone or the Space Stone or the Mind Stone, it's not just sitting around in containment. Let him have his fun. Captain America: Earth just lost its best defender. Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need. Strange: Certainly not, I speak for myself. NO! Thor leaps upward and brings Stormbreaker down with force, knocking back the Outriders]. Stark: And I swore off dairy, but then Ben and Jerrys named a flavor after me, so. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Thor Me. : : Mantis: Youre the ones Thor told us about. At this point, nobody knows. Now unified, the team of Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Banner and Barton go forth to confront Loki. Steve Rogers Those cybernetic implants basically run on a closed loop, like a Wi-Fi network that Nebula (and Thanos when he taps into it) has access to. After going back in time to return the Stones, he ended up sticking around to marry Peggy Carter and live out his life until 2023, when he showed up as an old man. "Is it still the greatest movie ever made?" Stark: [ to Strange] What is your job exactly, except to make balloon animals? Avengers: Infinity War is now available to own digitally ahead of its August 14 disc release. Well, if I'm wrong, then what more could I lose? Strange, she knows that he's eventually going to become the Sorcerer Supreme, and someone worthy of putting her faith into. Rocket, ever the savage, tells him, "You know you can't eat dumbells, right Quill? Thor Quill: Which are what the grenades are for. But there's another solid contender as well: M'Baku, the leader of the Mountain Tribe, and one of the major contenders for the throne in Black Panther. : Your email address will not be published. Well, he's never fought me. Maybe they realize they live in a junkpile in a middle of space. Thor Gamora: One way or another, the path that were on, leads to Thanos. : Every weapon you've ever designed - every axe, hammer, sword - it's all inside your head. Strange: Im sorry. : Thor Graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles in Political Science/History and Film. Thanos: I counted on it. Maybe its a 4-digit code? To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail, nonetheless. Thor It's only fitting then that Cap would pass his shield along in the same fashion in the MCU. Wong: A hunk of Hulk burning fudge flavor is our favorite. The decision to pair Thor and Rocket Raccoon in Avengers: Infinity War was an inspired one, as the pair played off each other well and provided enough laughs and emotion to carry an entire sub-plot of a huge ensemble film. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. The other is that Captain America never actually chose Bucky as his successor in the comics. Thor Maw: You saved nothing. Part-time producer and writer for independent pictures. The interaction between Thor and the Guardians crew was one of the film's best crossover moments; and then, it's with Rocket Raccoon (aka "Sweet Rabbit")and Groot that Thor travels to Nidavellir for a weapon of the Thanos-killing kind. After rescuing Thor the Pirate-Angel, Quill tries to downplay his handsomeness, only for the rest of the Guardians to point out that Quill has been putting on weight.