Coincidence, or is there some deeper meaning? John Foster Dulles. first shots of the American Civil War were fired, 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. In 1. A 4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interpreted Hermon as anathema.. Where do you get this information from? 11th month on the 22nd = 2 x 11 right when he entered the pyramid. The second wave, occurring around 10pm, of a series of lights that appeared to hover, was captured widely on camera and video. The Round Fountain in the Tuileries correlates with Solomon's Temple. Apparently, it was the 33rd United States President, who targeted two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with nuclear bombs. In 1840, an allegation was made that jews were kidnapping and engaged in the ritual murder of two Christians in Damascus, Syria, a city , like Baghdad , right at the heart of the 33rd parallel. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world government, and when asked by Mazzini, readily agreed to write a ritual tome that guided the transition from average high- ranking mason into a top- ranking Illuminati mason (3. So, in some circles at least, the number 33 holds esoteric significance as the highest of the master numbers. The Trinity site also sits on the 33rd parallel. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. Joseph Stalin. Hinckley's, oilman father and George Bush were longtime friends. What is the secret of the 33rd degree Freemason? Subtitle: Further, is it just coincidence that Babylon was first major city to be established simply because it was on the 33rd Degree Parallel? Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Despite Delta Alarmism, US COVID Deaths Are at Lowest Level Since March 2020, Harvard and Stanford Professors Explain, Mask-Free Sweden: ZERO Daily Covid Deaths; Chief Epidemiologist Warns Against Far-Reaching Conclusions About Delta Strain, The Pineal Gland: The Biggest Secret of Human Biology, Spiritual Awakening, and Supernatural Abilities, BBC Documentary: Jesus Was a Buddhist Monk (Accounts for the Missing Years), USA: The Mystery of the San Pedro Mountains Dwarf Mummy. In Alamogordo, New Mexico which is on parallel 33, the first ever nuclear explosion occurred. Little more than two months after taking office, President Reagan was struck by an assassin's bullet which, but for a quarter of an inch, would have propelled Bush into the Oval Office seven years before his time. Frederick Engels Senator Sam J. Fleming. Al Sharpton. This bridge was man made at the time of Ramayana.By the way, Ram Setu being called "Adams bridge" clearly shows that Christianity ploy to wipe out the culture of India and to assimilate them in a subtle manner.The exclusive religions are a dark weapon which i call the dark echo, which are known as "Asuras" in Sanskrit.Sorry, but there is a God. Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of events that would play themselves out in the 2. Is there really something to 33 or is it just another number like any other? The seduction of secret societies is as old as the Garden of Eden, when the serpent beguiled Eve, saying to her, "Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). Albert Pike. Morris B. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. HAF July 30, 2021. Daniel Carter Beard (Boy Scouts)Justice Hugo Black. hotspots of various activity around the globe.. edit on 21/2/11 by Misterlondon because: It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator (0 degrees) and the Arctic Circle (66.6 degrees North Latitude.) Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: "No matter where I run, I meet myself there" Dorothy Fields Ted Gunderson Joan Veon Laurence Gardner John Burke Jerry E. Smith Eustace Mullins Rik Clay Kent Daniel Bentkowski Ian Xel Lungold James Arthur Red Ice Membership Assuming office in April, 1945, Truman oversaw the charter-writing meeting of the United Nations, Germanys surrender, and the bombing of Hirishima and Nagasaki. They were available on Youtube three years ago but now they have totally disappeared from the Internet. Arthur. $19.95. Countries like Iran and Afghanistan are traversed by parallel 33. BLaming patriarchical societies for every single ill that is confronting humanity is very much scape-goating. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. The Persian Gulf has a few interesting qualities, in ancient Mesopotamia now modern-day Iraq, where the cradle of the Sumerian civilization was, is the place where the 33rd parallel north acts as a junction of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. No need to be fancy, just an overview. I kind of think that these are just man-made ideas that have been manipulated and exaturated so many times that it has affected our present way of thinking.I do believe in a creator of some sort. 1946 On August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, was born in Hope, Arkansas, at the 33rd Parallel. Lyndon Baines Johnson. 33rd Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Conference . I just try to be the best with what it is I have. (no reason given). In the occult science of numerology, the number 33 represents the ultimate attainment of higher consciousness. Full website at! Franklin D. Roosevelt. The ancient symbol is the logo of the god Saturn/Cronos. The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel. something to it. Apart from kicking off the bloody American Civil War in January 1861, the 33rd parallel also played host to the death of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt who died suddenly on 12 April 1945 of a cerebral hemorrhage after complaining of having a terrific headache. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World. advertisement. Choose Love, ] Once you enter that door, there is no turning back Freemasons promoting testing to the masses working with the NHS as seen on many banners, but whos paying attention? Mason). Anyways, keep up the good blog! "And once they are destroyed, what are you going to replace it with? i just looked up the 33rd parallel, had not really heard of it before. and within 650 m of 911 ground zero. Disneyland is located on the 33rd degree parallel. If these damn laws here would change in most states and allow clean pasture raised raw milk for sale I would have no problem going vegetarian as soon as possible. link. Derek - there is no, "Creator of some sort." I do believe in a creator of some sort. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. It is mentioned bible as the "Star of Remphan (Saturn)," and modern astrology has recently discovered a hexagon on the North Pole of Saturn. And if that means I am worshipping a "devil" in someway, then I do not know what to think. In Iraq, the parallel defined the limit of the southern no-fly zone from 4 . hmmm. It's a glimpse into what a connected office can be and how it. This is why they said in the Bible that the ministry of Christ begins at 30 and finishes at 33. Like Roswell, Phoenix is also located along the 33rd parallel. Timothy McVeigh was not a "suspect" who was murdered". The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. Storm Thurmond. His articles have been linked to from popular sites such as Cryptomundo, and Coast to Coast AM. Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 3. Now, back to the 33rd parallel and the pivotal role it has played in many major events of the modern era. In the human body. Many jews were rounded up and killed. 80. 0. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. facts about the 33rd parallel. It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean.. His parentage is disputed. I also was taught how to make all kinds of cheeses, high probiotic yogurt, and how to care for the goats properly. But I have been on an amazing journey and seem to benefit as well as benefit the people around me, so I will continue to do as I do. Following Roosevelts death, Harry S. Truman, a 33 degree Mason, became 33rd President of the United States. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. The 33rd parallel fairly well separated out those predominately Creole populations to the south from the hinterlands to the north and west, where presumably Anglo-American emigrants comprised the majority of non-indigenous residents. 86. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt also died near parallel 33. MASONS AND OTHER OCCULTISTS REVERE THE NUMBER 33 ABOVE ALL OTHER NUMBERS. Marshall S. Reynolds. Take a look at the UN flag and youll see a world globe divided into 33 sections, encircled by olive branches. You just have to find a site for entering lats and longs there is a google popup. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. The Order contained two degrees: Adelph (or Brother), and Companion of Ulysses (or Companion of Penelope). A 4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interpreted Hermon as "anathema.". Many of these former Nazi scientists ended up at the White Sands V-2 Launch site, or, as it was also known, Launch Complex 33. Discover short videos related to 33rd parallel on earth on TikTok. This supposedly magical number appears to pop up time and time again throughout many of historys most significant and tumultuous events, from Biblical times through to the modern era. Sir Winston Churchill Henry Clausen. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and. During hisEuropean tour, Disney dined with the British royal family, had a private audience with the Pope, and had a long interview with Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini. He died at his home, dubbed Little White House, in Warm Springs, Georgia, close to the 33rd parallel. As the secrets of the Illuminati were revealed, they were persecuted and eventually disbanded, only to re . "Our Mission is to share knowledge to help the collective research. Harman Gansvort Reynolds. Marty had to hit 88. Paul Moritz Warburg. Some people argue that the military fired anti-aircraft rounds at what some believe was a saucer-shaped flying object. Wells (amajor inspiration for Disneys Tomorrowland), who, through hispredictions of the future, conditioned the public to prepare for, and accept the stages of the New World Order. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. The secretive clubs dcor is reminiscent of a Masonic lodge, with its black and white checkered floor (representing duality) and blue and gold draperies (the colors of the Masonic emblem). George Bush Sr. aren't you a 33rd degree mason, and wouldn't you have benefited from Reagan's death? 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. At Caesarea Philippi, in the vicinity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death. Illuminati and Freemasons were created by the Vatican, creating a web of illusion to throw people off from their real enemy.You are right about the spiral of the DNA, and swastika. I found one more thing on interesting lats and longs the lat 33.0 33.0 33.0 is right off the coast of Israel. Lets don our shiny tin foil hats and plunge headlong down the rabbit hole to explore the possible significance of the number 33 in connection with secret societies, UFOs, death, destruction and Disneyland. The human foot has 33 joints. Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role Models [], JULIAN COULTON INVESTIGATES BRITAINS NEWEST AND QUICKEST BUILT CITY INTERESTING FREEMASON, Your email address will not be published. there are 2, north and south.. the north one runs through some interesting Surely we are nothing like British Petroleum? I would like a little help on the NATgrid system -- the same system that exists in USA is being copied and brought into India.They are going to give out UAID, without which we will not be able to buy food/ property and any other transaction without the Government knowing about it.It is supposed to be helping curb "terrorism" in India, but i think its just like the same Chip system in the body, they would eventually be employ in USA on a large scale.What is the NATgrid system of USA like?can you throw some light on it in your blogs when you have time. White House. John Drick. Tony Blair Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck Alain Bernheim. Plutarco Elias Calles. 33rd Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Conference 2010 Abstract and poster presentation, presented by J.J. Hidalgo. Pike's right- hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. Duke Michael of Kent. In addition to sponsoring a Masonic Club for Disneyland employees, Walt Disney also created the infamous Club 33, located at 33 Royal Street in Disneyland, which is located on the 33rd parallel north. The following month, atomic weapons obliterated the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, despite neither city having much in the way of real political or military significance. Writer Gary David guides tour from Phoenix, AZ to Phoenicia and Babylon in the Middle East to Far East China and then back to the New World. "The human foot has 33 muscles." 1963: The Kennedy Assassination President John F. Kennedy Sr. was shot and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Roscoe Pound(Gen.) Colin L. Powell. Copyright 2020 Humans Are Free. A flamboyant, obsessed professor and his two equally colorful cohorts travel the world along the 33rd Pa Rendlesham Forest 1980 Pt II - Will There Be An Answer? Mystery Trackers: The Secret of Watch Hill Collector's Editi. Nikola Tesla: energy(3), frequency(6), and vibration(9). A 32nd degree Freemason explains the black sun, the natural sun, moon and the northern lights.The origin of the Freemason symbol.As above, so below.The fingerprint of God.Hollow earthIf you want the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy(3), frequency(6), and vibration(9).-Nikola Tesla they have to tell everything they (will) do in your face freemasons have hijacked your laws, time to take back control FREEMASONS RULES OF THE ILLUMINATI REVEALED JULIAN COULTON INVESTIGATES MILTON KEYNES BRITAINS LATEST AND FASTEST BUILT CITY OF BRITAIN freemasonry explained at demo freemason police and ambulance SS symbols DISNEY 33 FREEMASON CONTROL to abuse on this pageexposing subliminal sexualizing content targeting young children from Hollywood, TV shows, movies, and the pedophile fashion industry. Heading west, the line passes through Damascus, Beirut, and onto two Templar castles one exactly on the 33rd latitude the other at 32.71. 8:43. Freemasons, or Masons, are members of a secret fraternal order known as the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, whose goals are, supposedly, to promote brotherhood. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . "Superstition" - classical Latin superstitio"Magic" - has Latin classical roots, appearing as magica"Ritual" - ritualis - LatinWhy do these words originate from the same language "Latin" and from the same region called "Rome"?Do older languages than Latin have these words? may be that patriarchical soceities emphasize the son/sunand matriarchical societies emphasize the moon/lunaSo, have fun worshiping the sun and moon all you want, but either way, it is the road to solitary lunacy For all the people they [ exclusive religion/ Illuminati ] destroyed, and their continuous propaganda to take over the world -- payback is inevitable. The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae and the foot has 33 joints. William J. Clinton. "Ancient Aliens" meets "No Reservations". Simon Gray, a Freemason, has compiled. Rouche and his vice presidential. Please see other Pages & Posts linked to Disney for further research. . Sorry, time to wake up and smell the coffee. Men are not inherently absolutely evil, and neither are women perfectly innocent, eternal victims of menpatriarchy and matriarchy (nature worship) are two sides of the same coinexcept, may be that patriarchical soceities emphasize the son/sunand matriarchical societies emphasize the moon/lunaIt is nothing more than the worship of the sun and the moon - both sides are one and the same nonsenseand trying to lay the blame to, "brutal" empires guided by patriarchy misses the point entirelythe goal is to get you to react and get pissed off at, "men" for being so, "evil." Casa Grande for instance. In addition to sponsoring a Masonic Club for Disneyland employees, Walt Disney also created the infamous Club 33, located at 33 Royal Street in Disneyland, which is located on the 33rd parallel north. And as in the Roswell case, there appears to be some level of orchestrated military and government subterfuge involved. I will also open my mind and talk with people like you, so I can only increase my knowledge and hopefully understand how to fulfill this mission for truth.Peace,Derek, eric thanx for always posting good teachingspeacerobbie. Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. Ted's Bio; Fact Sheet; Hoja Informativa Del Ted Fund; Ted Fund Board 2021-22; 2021 Ted Fund Donors; Ted Fund Donors Over the Years. Searching for answers to From sea to shining sea, this line on the map is littered with histories of cattle mutilations, UFO sightings, reports of underground military bases, and ancient native sacred sites. In raising the vibrations, consciousness and frequencies on Earth and out into the Universe. To worship nature or be in harmony with nature is the same thing as worshipping the light of lucifer - the worship of the 3 dimensional realm is as shallow and narrow as it can get. Harry S. Vassal. A 2006 World Mysteries article via Red Ice Creations takes reader on a mystical mystery tour of the 33rd parallel. The, "lord" from on high made it pretty clear in the first several verses of the Bible who and what God/god is. As of now I am still a hypocrite, as I still eat meat on occasions so I still need to change myself. 33 vertebra in the human spinal column when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually; 33 days in the "intellectual cycle" in the . "Their evil has not ended, it has only grown. Felix Warburg. 83 likes. Anyone can see him and his laws in the Double slit diagram.To live in harmony with nature then means human sacrifice - both symbolic and literal. (Russian), 200 Dokaza da Zemlja Nije Rotirajuca Lopta (Serbian), 200 Dkazov, e Zem nie je Rotujca Gua (Slovak), 200 Pruebas de que la Tierra No es una Pelota que da Vueltas (Spanish), 200 Bevis Att Jorden Inte r Ett Snurrande Klot (Swedish), 200 Pruweba na ang Mundo ay Hindi Isang Umiikot na Bola (Tagalog), - 200 (Tamil), 200 (Thai), (Urdu).