Obviously, this is a Catch 22 situation. Know with whom you share the best and worst relations with, based on your Zodiac Sign. Cancer woman He in relationship with a Virgo woman always admires her polite attitude towards him and gives her the freedom she needs when she really wants to be alone. Cancer Man & Virgo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? i got great respect for cancer men, im a virgo girl. But even if they end up parting ways, then also they are most likely to remain friends throughout their lives. Once I left for good she flipped out! WebCancer dating virgo man We would break up over 40 million singles: voice recordings. The Cancer man loves having everything under control, and he hates unpredictable situations, while the Virgo woman loves going on adventures and meeting new people every day. Super excited to see where this goes. I love him anyway and thats why I married him. Usually the Cancer man and Virgo woman makes a great pair as they both have many traits in common. We fought due to his financial help to his previous woman he attached. Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined. otherwise, she loves you, [] Cancer Man And Virgo Woman Love Love match compatibility between Cancer man and Virgo woman. I wish him gud luck . We are very nurturing and protective of our loved ones whether it be platonic or intimate. This relationship comes to an end if cancer becomes rude or violent towards her, its not his nature actually, but its better to be careful not to hurt Virgo woman in this way specially after the relationship gets deeper or reach meaningful stage. Not forgetting Taurus lol they complement us Virgo women to the T! I had the same exact thought! Never make a decision by yourself like he is not there at all. Not that he lack confidence, hejust likesto be acknowledged (positive attention). In June we had a huge fight, we dont ever yell or cuss, but we say mean things. WebCancer and Virgo Love Compatibility Your Sign Cancer Partner's Sign Virgo When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result. Why are there so many drug related incidents with Cancer men. my family had an intervention for me and called her, she came and held me 8 straight hours through all what i was going through then she walked out the door and vanished. Though, they may not be very expressive, the Earth Signs can be really warm beings from within, but it may take long. No matter what i do i dont catch him with anyone else. I have never seen anyone so exquisite and lovely in my entire life. Im a Virgo female and my boyfriend is a Cancer male; and weve only known each other a few months but it feel as if weve known each other for a very long time. He says im confuse but that my opinion. So i feel i dont have a reason to feel cheated.still i think hes hiding things! is this to avoid getting hurt again? This is so fascinating! There is so much they do for alll the woman out there that I feel its unfair. Because cancer see complaints as the upsolute definition of unappreciation. They complement each other well in various aspects of a relationship, from friendship to marriage. DO NOT READ INTO THINGS When he says something to you that doesnt make sense, just kindly ask him to explain (do not raise your voice); he likes talking about his feelings. The sensitive nature of the Cancer man brings out the passionate side of the Virgo woman. yes makeing love with him is awesome, he loves it so much he says its like leaving the earth, I agree! = Try to share some secrets with him fairly, he will trust you even more for doing that. He knows im very independent. He is often able to cause her to bloom with her own special kind of sentiments, which are pure and fine, like crystal, lacking the heaviness of extreme emotionalism. woman With these signs in the virgo man cancer is a water of the other dating a little slow on the two. Cancer Man Virgo Woman but hes different and I want him. She looks very familiar to me like i have known her forever. Thus, the Cancer man and Virgo woman compatibility tends to be a beautiful relationship with one another. Though Im not that kind of person who can easily fall in love even for a princess or miss world. Pisces man taurus. Lol I waited guys chill, then I slept with him damn.. he was a high school crush, he was on the list to smash. Every relationship demands some level of understanding between the partners and both of them are well aware this. so, i went online and Google her. My love was not enough for her and she ended up having affairs. Not only am I a virgo, I am also a firehorse! She appreciates his sense of humor because it exudes the right amount of humor and sophistication. The Cancer man is ruled by the Moon itself, which represents one's true self, the unconscious state of mind and the emotions. I left, never expected him to call, but he did. I even moved from the U.K. to Scandinavia to be with her, and even though we had three kids together, she was never satisfied and always expected more. I had almost 100% same situation.So here we go.. For Virgo man and Cancer woman to form a relationship with anyone, they have to be 100% sure it will work. Its not lust, infatuation or physical love that binds them, its pure love comes from divine connection, twin flame and soulmate connection has no place in this combination. Built on a foundation of common sense, hard work and desire to please each other, this couples relationship will be focused around the creation of a As the Water and Earth comes physically in contact with each other there are always great chances of beautiful blossoms. Im telling you i know nothing about this lady. The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. The Cancer male Virgo female compatibility is sure set to blaze a spark between the two of them filled with passion and love. I wish that he was ready too. A Virgo woman is one mate who is quite sympathetic towards the feelings of a Cancer man making him more expressive. WebThe Cancer man compatibility with Virgo woman is filled with an emotional attachment which is strong and flexible at the same time. I later realized that he is so business minded and keep forcing me to work with him. Virgo Woman Cancer Man TAKE CARE OF HIM Pay attention to their needs, even the most simpliest needs. His plan is to keep me under his supervision and makes sure everything is fine. He will send me a text after a few days, saying he misses me and hes hopeless without me. I am hurting and trying to do my classic, see ya! You want to kill a cancer man and turn him into a rock do the following: i also found her professional profile at linkedin.com. compatibility = Consult with him. Because I have been with my current boyfriend for almost one yearhe is everything to me. You just met up and you slept with him already!!! I am a Virgo, and I believe this I see true (not the part where Ill get sick of him). = Avoid nagging. WebThe Cancer man Virgo woman compatibility is filled with an emotional attachment that is strong and flexible at the same time. Cancer And Virgo Compatibility In Love, Friendship, And Sex Earth signs (like Virgo) and water signs (like Cancer) tend to complement each other, which already sets this duo up for success. Their work compatibility is high as they go along very well. So use your hidden ultra femininity to make him proud of you. Their physical closeness also stirs their emotional oneness to a great extent. Likewise, a Scorpio woman is softened by the kindness and gentleness Her words are very sharp and accurate, on the top of that the TV camera capture her very beautifully. Both these people require security and stability so it isnt usually difficult to deliver this top each other. She doesnt look upon excessive emotion as either sensible or practical and maybe unresponsiveness to some degree which is due to her shyness. All rights reserved. He will send me a text after a few days, saying he misses me and hes hopeless without me. I fear this guy might be the same.. controlling and demanding.. i like guys who show me affection.. but i dont wanna live the same story again. We kiss all the time, but he will back off when we start going deep. We cancerians are soo emotional, soo sensitive, looks like Virgo woman will never understand. Virgo Every detail is a fact. Virgo woman can be self-conscious about her body, which can cause her to be inhibited with respect to sex. This is so sadHearing these stories has hit a soft spot with me. And i just met my virgo woman just now Everything is double edged sword in life, and relationships take a ton of work, constantly and consistently. = Be appreciative for the things he does for you. Virgo is considered the most loner and single sign of the Zodiac. I would encourage you to check out the site and go to the compatibility graph and click on Cancer man/Virgo woman and then go down all the way to the comments section. I have been with an Aquarian, a Gemini, a Leo, an Aries, and two Cancers. I am a pisces woman looking for a cancer man but I dont know where the safeest place to look cos dating sites has so many scammers so if anyone can help me I it would be appreciated I have been single for 3yrs after a 28yr relationshil and I think it is time for me to move on I am 56rs old so I keep getting told that I wont find anyone they said that I am in my 20s anymore but I dont feel old I still feel that I am still young which I am 56 isnt old well I dont think it is. This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years. While the virgin can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, she more than I am hurting and trying to do my classic, see ya! If it helps, heres a free 2020 Forecast for VIRGO: https://youtu.be/y6YrwFPPrpM. I have my boyfriend of 2, 1/2 years, I 45 and he is 43. He just tell my best friend who he with. I am starting to understand where hes coming from, and dont get me wrong I have been praying like crazy about us, mostly for patience, and to heal his hurts.But I see that there is a depth of hurt I cant understand, or comprehend, he will repeat back things I said in the past, that cut him deep, even with all the time past, and forgiving me. You just need to listen to her and if you planning to something be detailed. Work on understanding your cancer mate, and show as much patience as you can or think he deserves. He might not be intellectual as you wish, but he is surprisingly wise, so ask him for his advise. Heloves having goals, keeps him busy. Its a shame that most people fails to see the true nature of Virgo woman, how she looks like and what she can do at her very best. Hi i am a Virgo woman an my boyfriend is a cancer as well as my lil sister and i been with my boyfriend for a little while now and he drives my crazy sexual and mental but i love every thing about him i guess you will say hes the best i never felt like this before and i know i can be very demanding and criticizing even maybe a little crazy but with him i feel free from drama and stress he lets me know hes opinion on situation and help me realize my so called best friend was using me and might i add he loves his kids ,,,. Image: Shutterstock. Age is just a number, if you feel young, you are young simple as that. So make sure to love her purely and unconditionally because she can be exceptionally dedicated for the one who loves her this way,but who know this better than cancer. His moon influenced charisma and her sensitivity makes the process easier to form a magical alliance with one another. WebNaturally, a Virgo man and a Cancer woman are highly compatible. Virgo, remember There is nothing makes a man happiest than to be respected by his woman. 3) make him feel guilty everytime he wants to hang out with his friends or family or just wants to be alone. I always want to be around her, but she never wants me around her. He has changed my life and helps me work toward my goals. He recently married a pieces woman and called me telling me he made the biggest mistake of his life by marrying her and that we should get back together! That is all i want from you. They will have a small group of friends with whom theyll go out and be very sincere. Im so happY. Hence, affectionate person who, Virgo Woman Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? He says Im confusing but I dont feel I am. Generally speaking, both Cancer man and Virgo woman are rather harmonious in loving relationship. Cancer and Virgo Love Compatibility but most importantly I dont intemidate him, which means he will be able to handle me I hope lolhe can be a smart a** at times but for the most part hes a flirt and sweet talker.. Reading your story made me think of a story that I read recently of a Cancer guy discussing his painful break-up with a Virgo woman. Im compelled to meet another water sign man, esp a Pisces, I think water and earth are great together. I cried so hard, i curse my eyes that day i wish i had never seen her in my life. And during this short period of time weve been able to share some of our most deepest and darkest secrets that none of our family or close friends know. I walked up and asked in a voice I had to force out if I could leave him my number. He open the door for me. I know him for one month already. WebCancer dating virgo man We would break up over 40 million singles: voice recordings. Relationship is work and progress you choose if you want to put or not. He isnt joking, and if you laugh at him assuming that he is, he might think youre laughing at the idea. The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. And there will be times when they will cross paths, in the most unexpected situations. I would do almost anything to make amends because Cancerian men are wonderful friends. We adore each other and we dont doubt we are soulmates, we have been to hell and back. I dont know if she is happily married or has a solitary life. The Virgo woman is feeling attuned with spiritual forces at present. = Dont judge his decision, even if its not satisfying for you. But there are somethings, which can improve the alliance between this love duo. Davids Abigail, I need your help, Tabitha, or anybody else, who is also a Virgo woman with a cancer boyfriend. Weve only been together 4 months Im deeply in love with him he brings out the women in me Im never letting him go Ive finally met my match Im going to stay with him for the rest of my life Im so happy. A Cancer man and Virgo woman combination are a highly compatible zodiac match. They understand each other, and they are able to provide each other with balance. A Cancer man is able to soften a Virgo woman and help her to relax. Likewise, a Virgo woman will be able to provide grounding and emotional stability to a Cancer man. We can have a thick skin, or shell, but when we expose our hearts and trust in the person we are with, we are vulnerable,and like an elephant we never forget. I cant even be her secret admirer you know(LOL).I dont know if she is happily married or has a solitary life. @Abigail668 Hey I am new here, and this is my first post/response. He is also amused with the amount of kindness and warmth that she provides him with, which makes him fall in love with her, all over again. When i didnt text him, he feel sad and ask why i didnt text him from my best friend. In the end, interpersonal clashes arrised and we had separated on a few occasions. Its extremely hard and painful to fall in love for a typical and elegantly attractive Virgo lady, specially for an emotional cancer guy like me, i dont expect you or anyone to understand that, how much Im hurt and suffer because of this. are you kidding me, I have stopped seeing him, he calls me everyday and stops by and we make out, but then he splits. He says he still loves her very much and wants her back. My honey has a two-week rule. When my husband left for the last time I refused to contact him it was over for good that time. I was never really giving any attention of what she said at that time, because i was only interested to see her sitting straight and looking extremely lovely. While they may have their challenges, these two signs can create a stable and loving partnership with open communication and She know, whem I am happy, sad or angry. well i have been left in AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Instead, look for outlets to do good, assisting loved ones or engaging in volunteer work. Both of them are as loyal and faithful towards one another, thus making no space for distrust, jealousy or possessiveness to take place. Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility in Love and Sexual Life 8) make him feel that you are in charge of planning the familys every move. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. I have never dated anyone like him and Im completely and utterly smitten. If he cause you to feel the way you do you are blessed but make sure it goes both ways so that it will flourish into something more beautiful than ever. Together they build exclusively safe and cozy environment for living with each other with such love and respect that is coveted by most of other people around. The Cancer man is someone who is sentimental and sympathetic too, when he falls in love with the Virgo woman, he receives a lot of compassion, affection and care from her. The Water element in the male Cancer makes him adaptable, a bit swerving and flowing in nature, just like water. Which I love, and just yesterday we had a little date. Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Im a Virgo female, he contacted me Recently expressing his feelings he had from 10 years ago, and let me tell you, he told me the same exact this you just said. WE ARE AFRAID THAT HE WILL FIND OUT THAT WE ARE NOT PERFECT. my name is rosalinda im a women virgo and i have a boyfriend that is a cancer we about to be 2month together i see we have alot in commen but the only problem is that we dont have much to talk about im a really shy girl i dont know if his shy. she is steady, grounded and tolerant of unfavorable situations, if any bad thing happens repeatedly to take what she had built or pushed by someone beyond her limit, instead of telling someone she will cry to the Lord and her prayers will instantly be heard. And us virgos can not say that we are not emotional creatures in a sense, we nead to learn from one another as much as we can right, i mean the connection is there already!!!!!!!!!!!! So its important to nurture this blessed relationship, because no one knows the deeper meaning of love other than these two i guess? Whereas, the Earth element in the female Virgo, makes her a down to earth person, sensible and reliable as well. He knows all the buttons to push and loves to make me feel good. I mean I have a best friend thats a virgo and he was always like a side kick to me. WebBefore we get on to the details about Cancer-Virgo Friendship Compatibility, Cancer man Compatibility with Virgo woman, and Cancer Woman Compatibility with Virgo Man, it is essential to gain an insight about these Zodiac signs. Thanks, Im a virgo woman and I love my cancer mate. I am a virgo woman married to a cancer man. Save. He is emotional and sensual because of his ruling planet Moon, and she is affectionate and sensitive which makes their physical relationship work wonders for them. If he doent have a goal, help findone. Aries Give him time and space to figure things out on his own and time to miss you. This is the major reason, and he is very impressed by my strength. After that day we got back together, but we havent made love since, he says we will work up to it!!!! These people generally do not hold grudges against anyone for. Im a virgo woman, if she is single and that close she wants you make a move. My message to her:- if you are out there reading this somewhere, i want you to keep your lovely look and add a beautiful smile to it every time everywhere you go. That is all i want from you. Express yourself. I am a cancer man married to a virgo woman for 10 years. A Pisces man benefits by the strength and steadfastness of a Scorpio woman. I found her birth date at MyLife.com, that is how i know shes a virgo. I have read stories of how most cancer men turn to drugs to handle the stress and emotions of the Virgo and cancer union, well my story was different, my cancer man self-medicated on women. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. anyway, we have had the most amazing time, the good has been super good, and the bad heart wrenching crying, we think were are gonna die bad. Their mutual respect and admiration plays a favorable role in their relationship but irritability and moodiness of Cancer man is not tolerable by her for a long time and similarly criticism and crankiness hurts the sensitive heart of him very deeply. His moody, brooding ways for as far as YOU know no reason (and likely have nothing to do with you unless yall are on the fritz), will try to trigger all our little pent-up buttonsif he doesnt want to talk, kiss him on the cheek or do something nice for him where you know hell see it so hell know youre thinking of him and go read a book, go for a walk, go shopping, do something for you and youll feel better and more at ease when he finally does open up (oh, and he will. Since I am a cancer and a man, I can give you one piece of insight into our inner workings. Virgo love communication and openness because its help her anxious to come down and look forward to life. He has had a rough time with females in the past but ever since weve been together hes admitted that he havent felt safe with any of the other women in his past. He disappeared for like 2yrs. This describes us to the T. I have never felt a bond or love like this in my entire life. cancer is traditional and conservative, if he does not get some of the things listed above he will get hurt emotionally, if he gets hurt emotionally then he will loose interest and desire in the relationship, of course he will stay and be faithful in the relationship, but he will [wall you off ] which means he withhold everything that gives him emotional value including sexual appetite [MOST VIRGOS SURPRISED BY THIS] and the relationship becomes stagnant [ much worse than anything you have seen or experience]. Both him and I agreed that our relationship was extraordinary since at the beginning. Very pure as and warm. WebThe Cancer man and Virgo girl are highly compatible. I think I am a very hard person even with myself, as I am perfectionist. Virgo Man Most of which are hes ex girlfriends and assures me they all his friends. The words dont explain the connection i felt for this lady, No one ever capture my heart like that before. I know cancers dont like rejection but unless she tells you, you have to ask her. My problem is that when I break up with, cus Im pissed about something he didnt do, like tells me to be ready at 8 and picks me up at 10PM! This guy was the greatest love of my life, wed talk all night on the phone, hed cry a lot for me, anytime he thinks hes hurt my feelings omg hed be so sorry and would do anything to make it up to me. Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility Guidance = Learn to be considerate. I'm a. Cancer man loves a dress in a woman. They complement each other well in various aspects of a relationship, from friendship to marriage. He even called me last time when i get angry with him. Once the crabs trust has been broken however, he will crawl under his rock and not come back out. are you kidding me, I have stopped seeing him, he calls me everyday and stops by and we make out, but then he splits. We stood there without moving like statues, (i could not resist his beautiful mouth)I reached up, (Im 54)and gave him a very soft kiss, talk about not expecting it! =Allow him to be part of your family member [mother, father, brother and sisters] encourage him to interact with them more, because cancer loves family. 3.) The day we met was cataclysmic, he watched me dancing for an hour before I stopped long enough to notice his beautiful smile, he was there in all his tallness(63) watching me. I dont even scolded him. i will wakeup from dead, ever her breathe falls on me. = Show an interest in his activities. I have a friend which he was younger than me and hes cancer. I will have to stay focused and communicate if I need something different from him. Only God knows what hell I am going through. Exactly. My life may have been fine without a relationship, but my heart was an aching, empty, desolate place having never experienced real love ora truly good relationship. Theyre afraid of being rejected. WebWhen Cancer and Virgo get together, there is potential for a great, everlasting love. HOME. Let a girl live, The Virgo girl Im into doesnt seem to care about my issues at all. she is in my morning, my noon, my evenings and night.