Make safety and convenience the primary design considerations. For changes to the district-approved traffic control plans on contracts administered by others, use the same review and approval process established for Caltrans-administered construction contracts. Confirm the contractor places portable flashing beacons according to the plans and removes them from the traveled way at the end of each nights work. For temporary pedestrian facilities, do the following:, Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 2-204B State Representative on Projects Administered by Others, 2-204C District Construction Safety Coordinator, 2-205 Guidelines for Traffic Control Plans, 2-206G Surfacing MaterialsColor and Texture, 2-212 Keeping the Roadway Clear and Clean, 2-214C (4) Construction Engineers, Resident Engineers, and Construction Inspectors, 2-215 Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, 2-215A (1) Estimating COZEEP Funding Requirements, 2-216B Requirements of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Verify the contractor maintains all traffic control devices in good working order throughout the projects life. The contractor is responsible for accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone. Impact attenuator vehicles are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. This map shows all of Caltrans current projects (792 ongoing construction contracts). If an existing pedestrian route will be affected by the work activities, verify the project includes Bid Item No. For current road conditions call 1-800-427-7623. Critical stage for each operation when the alternative or additional equipment, materials, or workers must be activated. Verify all new and used temporary railing elements comply with requirements for end connection and surface finish. For construction projects awarded after June 30, 2021, all records are to be stored electronically in the Caltrans Falcon electronic document management system (FalconDMS). 18h. Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, directs the contractors attention to the. Verify the required signs are placed during the cleaning and painting activities and removed at the end of each work shift. Review Sections 12-6, Temporary Pavement Delineation and 84-2, Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings, of the Standard Specifications for temporary pavement delineation requirements. If a change order is needed to add a permanent facility, contact the district Design Unit to develop plans. The district railroad liaison agent should report to the Public Utilities Commission any proposed detours that include an at-grade railroad crossing. Request a certificate of compliance for each portable changeable message sign. Sections 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, and 16-2.02, Temporary Pedestrian Facilities, require the contractor to provide pedestrian access. Click on the Nextbutton at the bottom right to go to the next slide. Obtain a copy of the manufacturers instructions for the portable transverse rumble strips. Require the contractor to set up an off-the-highway detour before closing all ramps in both directions of travel at the same interchange. The contract item for PCMSs, commonly bid as furnish-each or furnish-lump sum, includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the signs. When full use is not possible, accommodate traffic by verifying a continuous roadway throughout the length of the project, achieved by using one or a combination of the following: The newly constructed highway or portions of it, A detour where traffic, including pedestrians and bicycles, is diverted over a temporary roadway, Passage of traffic through the work in progress. Look for such signs as broken delineators, skid marks, and tire marks on temporary railing, which indicate a potential need for improvement. Verify that the trailer bearing the sign can be leveled and that the sign operates within the required minimum and maximum heights. Refer to Section 4-1203B (14), Portable Changeable Message Signs, of this manual. Caltrans began a major project to retrofit the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to current seismic design standards in summer 1998 and expects to complete the work by winter 2014. . Construction staff needs to complete the job-related temporary pedestrian facilities training within 6 months of assignment to inspect or administer contracts if they have not taken the online training within the previous 3 years. California code are designated by (CA). Allow the use of paint only if the temporary traffic stripe is not required to be removed. Verify that temporary automated end of queue warning systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.39 Temporary End of Queue Warning System, of the Standard Special Provisions. Damaged barricades should be repaired at the contractors expense, regardless of the cause, including damage by public traffic. The contractors responsibility to provide written notice 5 days before closing an existing pedestrian route. Discuss comments or suggestions regarding traffic control with district Design and Traffic Operations during the projects planning and design phase. Consider sight distance for drivers because of temporary features such as falsework impeding view of traffic signal systems. Coordinate work activities with the CHP and other local and regional transportation stakeholders as appropriate. Reviewing the TMP and traffic contingency plan for constructability issues. Providing for exit ramp traffic within the coned-off area may be difficult. The contractor develops a contingency plan and submits it within 1 day of the resident engineers request or as specified in the Standard Special Provisions. Anticipated times for sweeping the roadway following grinding or import borrow haul operations to allow public travel with little to no visible dust when the lane is opened to traffic. The following are typical situations in which field adjustments are necessary: If long closures are unavoidable, protect the active work area by placing barricades or drums across the closed lanes, upstream of the work area. Also, when possible, use barrier vehicles or an impact attenuator vehicle between the approaching motorist and workers on foot. Confirm that the contractor cancels scheduled closures that are not needed at least 2 days in advance, using the LCS. In addition to adjustments for ordered changes, process change orders that adjust compensation when increased or decreased closures are required because of underruns or overruns in the engineers estimated quantities. Regulatory speed limit signing may be considered during work activities when workers are present on foot and have direct exposure to vehicular traffic. The cost of covering, uncovering, and removing signs (when they are no longer needed) is included in the contract price for construction area signs. Remind the contractor to notify the regional notification centers before digging for the installation of signposts. Use the posting of advisory speeds on warning signs to advise the public what speed is considered appropriate at specific locations, such as points of curvature or traffic diversion. Section 124 of the California Streets and Highways Code authorizes Caltrans to close or restrict the use of any state highway whenever it considers such actions necessary for these reasons: Closures may also be necessary after major earthquakes or other natural disasters. The resident engineer administers the COZEEP program on the project. Calculate the adjustment on a force account basis. This will be paid under a contract bid item. Responsibilities include: The construction engineer is responsible for confirming that traffic moves through the work zone according to traffic control plans. Frequently, the only exception to an otherwise clean roadside is a localized situation such as a partially completed drainage structure or a pile of rubble. Before making a decision to approve a change order that would result in a prolonged ramp closure, weigh the results of the study with factors, such as construction costs, travel costs, delay, and safety. Dated notations or revisions to plans may be helpful. Provide protective overhead covering as necessary to protect from falling objects and dripping from overhead structures. 07/23/2020 State Route 210 Base Line Update (PDF) Agendas & Minutes. A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or ends within a larger project's limits. Confirm that the contractors closure requests comply with the closure charts. The contractor is responsible for the replacement expenses. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. Require the contractor to anchor bases of traffic cones that do not have enough size and weight to keep the cones in an upright position. All cones should use the same type and brand of retroreflective sheeting. Work zone activities can disrupt the publics mobility and access. Compensation for flaggers used for all movements of workers, construction vehicles, and equipment on or across lanes open to traffic will be included in the bid item of work involved. Specification details for manufacture of signs is provided on the Caltrans Sign Specifications webpage (for CA coded signs) or in the FHWA Standard Highway Signs Book (for MUTCD coded signs). The CHIN incident layer is updated every 1 minute. Ask the contractor to remove nonoperating portable message signs from the job site away from traffic or protect it in accordance with Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. In accordance with Caltrans policy, no undelineated roadway can be opened to unrestricted or uncontrolled traffic. Systems affecting traffic in both directionsInstall the first sign drivers will see traveling in the opposing direction. Verify staking of railing according to sheet T3B of the Standard Plans. The project has sufficient funds available to pay for the CHP support. Document the reasons for COZEEP use. Anticipated times for beginning the closure pickup. View from List View from Map One Stop Shop Traveler Information link for Western US states: California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington. Obtain required submittals for the systems in accordance with Section 87-14 Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, of the Standard Specifications. Determine the methods and equipment the contractor will use for closing lanes, ramps, and roadways, and for flagging and controlling one-way traffic. Take special care to consider areas in schools or senior citizen center locations. Determine the exact location of the temporary signs and when they are no longer needed for the direction of traffic. For their application, review the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD). The following guidelines apply to the color and texture of pavement surfacing materials: The following guidelines apply to speed zones: Frequently, special provisions restrict work on the existing traveled way to a specified period at night. The California Highway Patrol. TMPs should be consistent with the Final Rule guidelines for developing and implementing the policy. Below are Twitter Feeds from Caltrans District 6 and District 7 with updates. If closure of an existing pedestrian route is required because of the contractors means and methods, remind the contractor of their responsibility to design and construct a TPAR at their expense, and obtain authorization to proceed with the work activities. Urgent, unpredictable situationsminor or of short durationcan arise during the work and should be addressed using engineering judgment. Confirm full implementation of approved TMPs in close coordination with the DTM so that the disruption to the traveling public is minimized. If the portable signal system is out of operation, the contractor must provide flaggers to control the traffic until the traffic signals are in operation. Payment is computed as extra work. Links Regional Sites All closure information is continually updated and subject to change. Flashing arrow signs are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. Verify that the contractor constructs permanent new facilities and alterations to existing facilities in accordance with the contract plans and specifications. Click on any marker to get project details as of March 1, 2023. Temporary traffic control devices are divided into categories: The condition of temporary traffic control devices should comply with the most current edition of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) publication Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features. Read More. Verify Type K temporary railing is placed on a firm, stable foundation uniformly graded throughout the entire length of the railing. Such conditions may alter the apparent pattern of the roadway and cause an eradicated line to appear to be a lane line. Verify that automated work zone information systems comply with the general system functionality, motorist information messages, system communications, traffic data acquisition, and user interface specification requirements. During the preconstruction conference, discuss: Each flag shall be at least 16" x 16" If the contractor is to place the traffic control system repeatedly in the same place, the contractor can request to mark on the shoulder the locations of advance warning signs, cones, and drums. Verify that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. Contact the project manager to arrange the study. Frequently, the plans for stage construction, detour, or traffic handling will require arrays of temporary crash cushion modules. Lane Closure System Welcome to LCS User ID: Password: Forgot your password? Prohibit the use of traffic cones that have been damaged or coated with asphalt or other substances that prevent the cones from functioning as intended. Check the exposed surfaces of Type K temporary railing to verify they have received a fresh coat of white paint before initial placement on the job. The purpose of the gaps is to allow drivers and passengers of vehicles to get behind the barrier in case of a disabled vehicle. Withhold some payment from progress pay estimates to cover the cost of removing temporary crash cushion modules. Emerald Grove Ave from Riverview Av to End of County Maintained Road. Consider use of changeable message signs in advance of the work, in addition to the signs and warning devices shown on the plans for traffic control systems. Category 1 devices include traffic cones, plastic traffic drums, portable delineators, and channelizers. How the contractor will meet the projected rates for material delivery to the job site. Verify the planned temporary signal system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. Caltrans lane closure charts jackett animecrickett 22 scope Lane closure charts will show the number of lanes required during different hours of the day. It is not necessary to restudy impact previously studied during planning and design unless significant commercial development has occurred in the area in the interim. The selected speed should be what a driver exercising due care would drive in normal conditions of light and weather. Once assigned to the project, do the following: When others administer the contract, oversight of traffic through and around a work zone involves overseeing and working with the local agency or private entitys resident engineer. Coordination with the district COZEEP coordinator is needed to determine local CHP policies. Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, requires that the contractor provide for the safety of the public during construction. 3. Verify the contractor installs the temporary no-passing zone signs if no-passing centerline pavement delineation is obliterated. Request a list of Category 2 temporary traffic control devices to be used on the project and copies of their Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) acceptance letters. Before opening a roadway to unrestricted public traffic, the final delineation must be in place on the roadway either by using long-term or short-term temporary delineation or channelizing devices. May 5, 2020 Mr. Patrick McDaniel California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2840 Mt. Look in the resident engineers pending file for design assumptions and estimate calculations. Consider separating pedestrian movements from both job site activity and vehicular traffic. Allow only one type of portable delineator on the project. The CHP has 5 working days to notify Caltrans if the actual travel time, mileage, or both, are greater than the allowances estimated on the daily report. Temporary full freeway closures of all lanes in the same direction of travel. Verify TPARs are constructed in compliance with the requirements in Section 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the. Verify that the impact attenuator vehicle complies with all specification requirements. End-of-queue management is desirable at locations where traffic queues are anticipated. Inspect crash cushion modules to confirm they comply with the specification and manufacturer requirements. Consider driver expectation and ambient light in the area of the crossover for temporary lighting. The following procedures are intended to assist resident engineers in obtaining and tracking COZEEP services and to help Caltrans reconcile the CHP billing system and facilitate payment to the CHP. Operation work schedule with a timeline set at 20-minute intervals. Lack of escape options increases the likelihood of motorist-involved accidents that will disrupt traffic flow. For nighttime operations for contractor staff, the law recommends but does not require ANSI 107-2004 Class 3 garments. At the preconstruction conference, remind the contractor to maintain an inventory of commonly required items at the job site and arrange for sign panels, posts, and mounting hardware or portable sign mounts to be furnished on short notice. Verify the traveled way is free of obstructions and residue before opening the area to traffic. The contractor compliance report forms are available at: Verify the flashing arrow sign trailer can be leveled and plumbed. Closure Search County All Counties Selected Counties: Alameda Contra Costa Marin Napa San Francisco San Mateo Santa Clara Solano Sonoma Route (s) All Routes Selected Routes: 1 4 9 12 13 17 24 25 29 35 37 61 77 80 82 84 Establish reduced regulatory speed limits in accordance with procedures in the. Do not permit any closures until the contractor submits this plan and it is authorized in accordance with the specifications.