In Per, if we go to the poorest places in Lima, we would find the same we have seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. ANSWER: Salim Malik makes the decision of filled up the bathtub with all Javed money, because he want a redemption because from the beginning of his life, he always wanted to be rich, and at the end, he want to know that he was going to die, like he always want, rich. We only see his left eye in the frame, just after he has blinded a young boy to make him a more valuable beggar. The decision of both affect in their destiny. Edit, Jai Ho is a phrase that literally means Victory (Jai) Be (Ho). Bollywood films are made through various Indian film studios located in the city of Mumbai. The beggar, whose name is Arvind, warns Jamal to look out for Maman, who will get revenge if he can. With a few simple steps you can change your Netflix region to a country like Argentina and start watching Argentine Netflix, which includes Slumdog Millionaire. Images that recur include his mother being killed in the Bombay riots, and Latika smiling up at him on the train platform right before getting kidnapped by Javed's men. Jamal teaches something really important, nothing it`s written and we are the ones that create our own future. But today he is a millionaire and television superstar, the first contestant to win $1 million on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire.. Latika is shown living in Javed's apartment when Jamal comes there and sees her. He was dubbed the real Slumdog millionaire After he became the first person to win the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? He couldnt do anything to change it except for one thing. All those projects would be able to decrease slums in a long-term because of the gathering of money for supporting those projects and the way that people would take it. Next, use a screwdriver to disconnect the handle of the faucet. Boyle is purposefully showing the shots of Latika running towards the phone and Salim layering money in the bath tub to create suspense for the audience as the figure out what will happen, and how each scene pieces into the end game of the movie. Who did the music for Slumdog Millionaire? - The way Salim decides to go with Javed after escaping from Maman. Salim is not convinced, however, and shoots Maman. After producer Paul Smith sold his stake in the show, he made a condition that he could retain the right to reuse the properties of the show. contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? What do you think should be done about this problem? Salim have an opportunity in his life to do something good, because for all his life he had thought himself alone,as a child he has a more open mind towards to the bad side, and he wanted the money to survives, but get it the wrong way, even pleased himself throwing his brother, to have relations with Latika, knowing that Jamal love Latika. This are the most important diference between Munbai and Lima. Salim shoots Maman when the two of them encounter him together. "You're a sweet boy, Jamal," says Latika, taking the towel and going back in the bathroom. The title and the contrast in this movie means how a poor man pass to be rich with a simple TV program, Slum means like a very poor zone and is like a young population that don`t have a lot of money, so I think that went the title talk about slum is about Jamal, how with a simple TV program How wants to be a millionaire and in one night or one day he turn to be a millionaire. Salim raped Latika the night that he and Jamal rescued her from Maman. The city of Lima is the capital of Peru therefore; the lure of jobs in the city is a huge pull on those living in rural areas. When Jamal heard her voice he asked her if she is safe and Latika says yes, in that moment he didnt care about the money or the show so he answered any option and coincidently that was the right one. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? The older boy leads an escape, Salim in the movie, Ram in the book.There is more on-screen violence in the movie than in the book. When Maman tells the men to take Salim and Jamal away, Salim pulls out a gun and threatens Maman with it, ordering him to get on his knees, then telling the other men to get on their knees and demanding money from them. This is a critical situation, that is really affecting the conditions of live of this slums, but I think that if we unit us as a state, leave the indifference, we can solution this problem and all the others. There we can see that the destiny play a huge roll. One of the callers asks Jamal to take over his calling duties for a moment, and Jamal reluctantly does so. This phenomenon appears because the government dont care about poor people then say that they care about but thats a lie. He makes this choice because he realizes that he has done a lot of damage to his brother and he wants to fix it sacrificing himself and killing all the men that were entering the room and then dying. It is very difficult to survive in this type of problem because they do not have much money to eat, always have to be attached to someone, because you can be in the cap to survive. (A) Samuel Colt, (B) Bruce Browning, (C) Dan Wesson, or (D) James Revolver. In India there is a piramide wich explain the 5 categories of a person based on their money and job, In the movie as much as in real life this actually occurs, so marked, so strong that we do not even see what happen to people who are below us, or do you see in the news that a slumdog found a new cure to the diabetes and actually he really founded, no we dont see that, And what only is attracted to the media is when a person gives to a charity a good quantity of money. For example:Dhirubhai Ambani is an indian person responsible of one of the biggest fortunes in the world. So the contrast between a slum dog and a millionaire is shocking because it is the completely opposite thing so it causes confusion and makes you want to see why the movie is called like that. Here in Peru, the same thing occurs in slums. This is Jamal's position in the call center where he works when he appears on the game show. Perhaps a family planning campaign would serve better instead of promoting superficial, promiscuity. The people who live in the slums do not live in houses, they live in shacks, not houses. The government should provide condomms or another source of preservatives so the people in the slums can have sexual intercourse without having to many children and so they learn to be more responsible with their lives because most parents abandon their homes after a while. Shantaram physically and sexually abuses his daughter until Ram pushes him off the balcony to his death, he thinks.Ram then flees back to Delhi, leaving Salim behind, and finds employment as a houseboy for an Australian diplomat and later as a tour guide at the Taj Mahal in Agra, where he falls in love with a prostitute named Nita who is battered by a customer who leaves cigarette burns on her breasts, similar to Neelima's injuries. what did Salim do with the autograph that Jamal had gotten . Change). This is ridiculous because there isnt going to start any war in Peru. Salim discovered that the way of vices and wrong liberty takes you to the wrong ending, but he discovered it too late. At the same time that Jamal is winning, Salim fills a bathtub with money and sits in it, waiting for the death he knows will happen when Javed discovers what he has done. Back on the game show, Jamal answers a question about Cambridge Circus, the answer to which he learned working at the call center. (A) Aramis, (B) Cardinal Richelieu, (C) D'Artagnan, or (D) Planchet.Answers: (1) A; (2) A; (3) D; (4) A; (5) C; (6) A; (7) D; (8) D; (9) A. In Peru, there is a very notable difference between the number of rich and poor people, that causes lots of society problems like for example discrimination between the different social classes. Another important difference between both slums is that while Indian slums are in a constant religion war, here religions are not so varied and this negates the possibilities of having these conflicts. Edit, Jamal got the $100 bill from the American tourists who had their car stripped a few scenes earlier. Does Latika sleep with Salim? - AnswersAll The slum that is where poor people live are in around the world but Peru is one who have the most biggest slum in the world, more in Brazil and more in India who is one the countries with more population. Also, there's an old saying. Faucet: Start the faucet repair process by completely turning off your water supply. The scene shifts back to the policemen's office. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or destinies? "So how did you manage to get on the show?" the tittle, as already you should know, its Slumdog millionaire, now there are two opposite terms that discribe two different persons, life styles, etc. The plight of India's child beggars has been thrust into the international spotlight by Slumdog Millionaire, the British-made film tipped for Oscar glory. Jai Ho is also a means of salutation in some parts of India, just like Namaste or Good Morning. She doesn't know the answer either, but Jamal is more interested in knowing how she is doing and where she is before the call is cut off. The solution to this problem is to organise the place where they are living, clean the area to avoid dissease. Is "Slumdog Millionaire" based on a book? Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? the policeman asks, which launches us back into Jamal's story. This is a sign of progress because it gives the opportunity to people who have knowledge to form part of the contest to obtain a prize for it. However, this time, Salim is older, tougher, and intent on revenge. Why Did Salim Fill The Bathtub With Money? Awards In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. And also to improve their conditions of live, we can do the possible donate things, or search for works they can realize, or giving them moral support, making them smile. What is the grand prize worth in other currencies? The first difference is just that the Indian slum is located in a flat surface while here most slums are in the sides of the mountains and for that people who live there have to come up and down every day just to work. (A) A flower, (B) A sword, (C) A child, or (D) A bow-and-arrow. Was Slumdog Millionaire a true story? Also they must learn to keep their family and not abuse of the number of kids they have. When Jamal protests, Salim tells him to do as he says, and demands sexual attention from Latika, on the grounds that he saved her life. This was similar to Bruschke & Ricke's combined sofa and bathtub of the same period. This can be stopped, giving more work, so the people can work and have more money. I also think that what we have to do with this problem, is go to that place and make a social work, to help them with some food or cleaning supplies. In order to make people more confortable the government should provide, in any possible way, more jobs so people can earn money without stealing it. After watching the film I was shocked by the similarities of the slums in Mumbai and the ones that we have here in Peru. After getting a small hut, they need to find for a job but they wont get a job because of their lack of knowledge and thats also the way which makes crime increase. Each one of them took a decision. I think that the producers give this name to the movie to attract the attention of the people because is strange. Jamal simply responds, "When somebody asks me a question, I tell them the answer.". Forced to make a guess, Jamal picks "Aramis" as his final answer. The title Means like two different words that don`t means anything together because slum mean like poor people and millionaire like a very rick people. | Thanking Arvind, Jamal goes in search of Latika. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. By the time pass, that friendship turns to strong loop of love. Some of the things that characterize these two types of slums are the very poor of conditions of live, the houses made of poor materials, like straw, the people that do not even have a home and the poor materials of what are made the roads.
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