All I know is that FS has a pretty thorough medical clearance process. Medical, Mental Health or Educational reports do not need to be submitted with your initial medical clearance forms but be aware that Medical Clearances may require reports from providers, medical facilities, or schools for anyone with significant past medical, mental health, or special educational needs. Any illegal or unauthorized entry into information technology systems is a security clearance disqualifier. The name of the examinee (employee, contractor, LES or EFM) and DOB must appear at the top of each page 2, 3, & 4. Mental incompetence determined by a mental health professional. Such requests should be submitted no earlier than May prior to the new bidding cycle and no later than 30 days prior to the bid due date. Other agency employees, contractors or their family members may begin one year prior to their overseas assignment or training. extending at an ESCAPE post, the MCU (plus, any individual who has had a new medical condition that may affect their medical clearance at the posting they are currently at or will be posted to. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. However, service members are subject to random reinvestigations at any time. Contractors and DOD Civilians should contact their sponsors human resources. a. Send your completed forms and medical reports: The employee, contractor or EFM will be notified within 30 days of their clearance status. After a Medical Clearance is issued, any required follow-up care for any medical condition is the patients responsibility. Individuals who already have a Post Specific (Class 2) medical clearance or have a new significant medical, mental health or educational issue will need to supply documentation of the issues with status and treatment plan while abroad. 8. In the spirit of that requirement prolonged continuous service domestically of greater than six years requires permission from Human Resources. Page 2 must be signed and dated. Weve compiled a list ofFrequently Asked Questions. Early summer through the fall bidding cycle is the busy season for MED Clearances. Submit your completed forms and other medical reports to Medical Records: Send via email to (preferred) The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations at 45 C.F.R. state department medical clearance disqualifiers. Those applying for secret security clearance realize that unauthorized disclosure could cause serious damage to national security. Do NOT include any personal medical information in this communication. If your child has educational needs or receives SNEA, reach out to the school and other specialists working with your child for recent documentation ideally well before school staff departs for the summer break and much of the staff is not at school. Individuals with Post Specific (Class 2) medical clearances must be approved for their post of assignment. I would like to crush my dreams to dust sooner than later, so any advice on this topic would be much appreciated. A single serious crime (involving more than a year in prison) or multiple lesser offenses are potential security clearance disqualifiers. Seek or hold political office in a foreign country. The healthcare provider should review all yes answers on page 2 and provide relevant comments. ESCAPE posts have limited medical capabilities and personal security risks. fc-falcon">foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers. Make sure the agency (DOS/DOD/USAID etc.) The waiver request should be sent to the CDO, who will forward it to the Five/Eight Committee. Medical exams are done at the State Department during the orientation period. Patients can arrange appointments on personal travel, during R&R, home leave or other government funded travel when services are not available at the post of assignment. All Rights Reserved. While a medical clearance is not required for TDY travel of less than 30 days, persons with health concerns should avoid to travel to localities where medical care is inadequate to meet their needs. All chronic medical conditions must be listed on page 4 in assessment or problem list section. Page 2 must be signed and dated. When to Start the Medical Clearance Process for an Individual with a Post Specific (Class 2) or Domestic Assignment Only (Class 5) Clearance. However, the government still needs to safeguard against possible intruders, like spies. In addition to the hand written lab section, MED requires copies of the lab and radiology reports and the EKG tracing, if indicated. Reasons for a Separation or Retirement Exam. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND CLEARANCE (CT:PER-986; 05-11-2020) . MEDICAL REVIEW OF A CLEARANCE DECISION FOR PRE-EMPLOYMENT 22.9 On occasion, a medical clearance may be denied or limited because an applicant has a medical condition that is serious enough to preclude conversion to the Foreign Service. Your personal record is scrutinized more than confidential clearance yet not as thoroughly as top-secret clearance. ESCAPE Post(s) of Assignment is REQUIRED. Employees and Contractors have the right to appeal any Post-Approval decision. Do not travel to your next overseas assignment without a valid medical. There are different types of security clearance, including Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. Emotional, Mental, and Personality Disorders, 12. Once employee obtains verification of ICASS medical program participation, submit the signed: 3308.5: Institutional Contractor ICASS Verification Form, The healthcare provider should review all yes answers on page 2 of the. Persons who are not an ESCAPE post at the time of their medical clearance renewal must complete the below documents: Employees and their EFMs of one of the 5 Foreign Service Agencies: Employees, LE Staff, Contractors, and EFMs who are non-Foreign Service Personnel: Submit all medical documentation to Medical Records. ESCAPE posts comprise a subset of High-Threat, High Risk (HTHR) posts. Driving under the influence, alcohol-related fights, child or spouse abuse, or criminal incidents related to alcohol use all get studied. The misuse of information technology systems is a fairly new addition to the background investigation with growing technology as well as the advent of social media. (Uniform State/USAID/U.S. Examples of chronic conditions that must meet stricter DOD requirements to be deployed to an ESCAPE include but are not limited to; tighter control of seizures, asthma, headaches and mental health issues; injectable or refrigerated medications; cardiovascular risk factors and excessive weight (BMI >35). The medical clearance exam may be completed for you and your family members by a licensed medical provider of your choice. Clearly print the persons name on each page submitted to Medical Records. Youll be asked to submit fingerprints to the Departments Bureau of Diplomatic Security as the first step in the security clearance process. Please send inquiries only to this email address. and Foreign Commercial Service/Foreign Agricultural Service/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/USAGM), (Applies to all U.S. Government Employees and Eligible Family Members Participating in the Department of State Medical Program). g. Separation (Class 9): Issued to employees and eligible family members following separation from States Medical Program. The following information is designed to assist as you navigate the MED Post Approval process for those with a Post Specific clearance. All persons must undergo a full physical exam for their first medical clearance. The employee and/or EFM should complete the separation exam within 90 days of retiring or separating from the Foreign Service. The point of contact in MED is the Chief of Domestic Programs (, who will relay the request to the appropriate office or person in MED and return a formal recommendation to the CDO or Committee, as appropriate. Each fellow, therefore, must meet rigorous medical standards in order to qualify for the required worldwide medical clearance. Specifically, what specialist appointments, radiology, laboratory, therapy visits, medications, educational interventions, and other treatment regiments you will need, when and how often. (CT:MED-41; 03-07-2019) The three levels of personnel clearance in the military are confidential, secret, and top-secret. Is there a list of conditions that would automatically . The purpose of a medical clearance is to identify specific health needs and medical conditions that may require specialty management, follow-up or monitoring. The following conditions may disqualify you for military service: a. This includes those who retire/separate, move to another agency, divorce an FSO, or age out of the MED program at age 21 years. Include the Medical Records coversheet. Additional countries can be submitted after the first have been reviewed. You can begin up to one year prior to departure from your current post. The only difference is that top-secret applicants receive more analysis and scrutiny compared to confidential security applicants. There are often no blood banks or limited medical supplies and medications available locally. If a qualified mental health professional has made a diagnosis and that diagnosis may interfere with judgment, reliability, or stability the clearance status is at risk. The Department of Defense examines medical records for any signs of emotional, mental, or personality disorders. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Any documentation should be submitted well in advance of bidding season. Related Article 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military. The background investigation includes interviews with current and previous contacts, supervisors and coworkers. The Department of Defense also obtains your criminal history records and credit record. Two aspects of the military determine your security level: A) your military job (MOS) and B) your assignment. While the questions are personal they are basically just making sure you dont show signs of sexual behavior that is criminal in nature. If an employee wishes to contest a decision, they may contact the Medical Review Panel (MRP) at and a review will be convened by a three-physician panel. Some countries have inadequate infrastructures such as a poor or negligible public health care system, poor sanitation, unreliable electricity and a lack of potable water. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Service members applying for secret clearance (along with confidential clearance) must provide five years worth of information. c. Domestic Only (Class 5): Issued to all who have a medical condition which is incapacitating or for which specialized medical care is best obtained in the United States. The Office of Medical Clearances is responsible for ensuring the U.S. government personnel receive adequate medical evaluation and clearance prior to their assignments abroad. The assigned Clearance Consultant will follow the same procedure outlined for Foreign Service officers above. This exam is recommended but not mandatory. For individuals with a Domestic Assignment Only (Class 5) clearance we recommend you notify MED Clearances when it appears your medical, mental health or educational has stabilized and improved to the point where health care or educational needs can reasonably be obtained abroad. Please check the signature area. .header-alert .icon.icon-close-thin.header-alert__close.js-header-alert-close{display:none;}. While not required for Iraq, these are advised for possible travel to other ESCAPE posts. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. The medical clearance process is designed to identify medical, mental health, or educational issues before departing for an overseas assignment. The difference is the government studies any evidence of dual citizenship which might conflict with your duties of having a security clearance. Related Article Military Dental Requirements and Disqualifications. The medical clearance process is designed to identify medical, mental health, or educational issues before departing for an overseas assignment. Your email address will not be published. It includes illegal or unauthorized modification, manipulation, destruction, or denial of access to information on a system. If you have questions, please send us an email at Employees and their EFMs of one of the 5 Foreign Service Agencies must complete a: Employees, LE Staff, Contractors, and EFMs who are Non-Foreign Service Personnel must complete a: Persons holding a current valid ESCAPE medical clearance and are extending their tour at an ESCAPE post must complete the below documents annually. While not everyone in the military is required to have a security clearance, it helps to know the process. This includes those retiring/separating from the Foreign Service, moving to the private sector, Civil Service or another agency, divorcing from a Foreign Service Spouse and Eligible Family Members turning 21 years of age. Misconduct in prior employment, including marginal performance or inability to interact effectively with others. Related Article DEVGRU: 7 things you didnt know about SEAL Team 6. Providers are also encouraged to submit supporting medical reports, labs, and consults for each chronic condition. Medical clearance process overview. If you're thinking of a career as a government agent, beware of the 5 automatic disqualifiers for security clearances. Passing FS Medical Clearance. Many Embassy or Consulate Health Units will complete a pre-employment or pre-assignment medical clearance. Misuse of Information Technology Systems, DEVGRU: 7 things you didnt know about SEAL Team 6, Security Clearance Background Investigation Questionnaire, 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military, Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI), military treats mental health very seriously, Military Hearing Requirements and Disqualifications, List Of 9 Army Patches And Their Meanings, Army Sharpshooter Badge: 6 Things To Know, confidential security clearance disqualifers, top secret security clearance disqualifiers, 12 Military Drones Employed By The US Military, How to Switch From Reserves to Active Duty, Army Service Ribbon (ASR): 5 Things To Know, Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know, Emotional, Mental, and Personality Disorders. Since youll be serving overseas as a Foreign Service Specialist after successfully completing the FAIT Fellowship program, youll need to be able to obtain and maintain a worldwide (Class One) medical clearance. Obtaining reports from specialists, hospitals, therapists, and schools is time consuming. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. Each diagnosis must have a statement clarifying prognosis, stability, follow-up plan, and if that follow-up must be done by a specialist. You also cannot have association or sympathy for those that commit these types of crimes or organizations that advocate overthrowing the U.S. government. Please be sure that the name, DOB, and email address are all printed clearly. All blanks need to be filled in. Your CDO or agency HR will send your list to MED Clearances. A CONUS based employee who does TDY travel for 30 or more consecutive days has a medical clearance valid for 2 years from the date it was issued. Where a particular physical or mental health condition, or extraordinary stress are the basis or for the request. As soon as you are selected for the Fellowship, the Department of State will request that you complete and submit an application within about two weeks. The point of contact in MED is the Director of Medical Clearances, who will relay the request to the appropriate office or person in MED and return a formal recommendation to the CDO or Committee, as appropriate. After a Medical Clearance is issued, any required follow-up care for any medical condition is the patients responsibility. An SSBI investigation checks records held by employers, courts, and rental offices. For some individuals with on-going medical, mental health or educational issues adequate medical resources may not be available in all countries. Submit internal consults or reach out to you for additional data, as needed. All required tests on page 4 of the DS-6561 or DS-1843 should be performed within the last 12 months. Medical Clearances will not clear an individual to go to a post that does not have adequate resources for that person. Medical Clearance Notices will be sent to your via the e-mail address you place on your form. A MED Clearances Clearance Consultant assigned to you will: Post Approval Process for employees of non-Foreign Service agencies, CONUS-based TDY, WAE/REAs, contractors and their EFMs with a Post Specific (Class 2) Clearance. Please print your email legibly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. EFMs, age 18 and over, must provide their own email address for privacy reasons. The medical clearance exam may be completed for you and your family members by a licensed medical provider of your choice.If done overseas insure that the all sections, labs and reports are in English. Given its high-pressure working environment, the Foreign Service has elevated levels of stress that can negatively influence behavior. Basically, the DOD wants to establish that you are honest and trustworthy based on previous behavior. Although qualified students who travel on educational travel orders are eligible for care abroad under the Medical Program up to their 23rd birthday (16 FAM122.2, subparagraph a(2)), their separation examination must be completed within 90 days of their 21st birthday (16 FAM 122.2, subparagraph a(1)). The following information will help explain the process of completing a Separation Exam. Medical Clearances matches that individuals medical needs with posts capable of providing the specific medical or educational services they need. Clearly print the persons name on each page submitted to Medical Records. Security Clearance Jobs -. Complete a DS-1622: Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service for Children Age 11 and Younger form. Failure to have all family members medical clearances completed will delay the issuing of travel orders for individuals departing Washington D.C. Send all medical forms and reports to Additional countries can be submitted after the first 15 have been reviewed. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Bureaus and Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary, Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. Because everyone is medically cleared to be in the United States, individuals whose next tour is a domestic assignment do not require a medical clearance unless they will be doing TDY travel of 30 or more consecutive days during their domestic tour. the State Department denied Dara Katz the medical clearance she needed to qualify for an . ESCAPE posts comprise a subset of Special Incentive Posts (SIP). The military provides emergency medical support for the Department of State in Afghanistan, Libya, Peshawar, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Employees subject to the six or eight-year rule must work with their CDOs if they wish to request a waiver of the rule. Send all medical forms and reports to Have foreign citizenship to protect financial or business interests in another land. Periodic reinvestigations (PR) are required every 10 years for the secret level. Any medical clearance must be reviewed and possibly modified for the development of any new significant medical, mental health or educational issue. You can also download a PDF document with this information on the Resources page. The Department of State has identified certain posts as Employee Self-Certification and Ability to Perform in Emergencies (ESCAPE) posts. While many employees are excellent colleagues, the Department has its fair share of bad bosses and nasty coworkers. Requests for a 6/8 waiver where neither the employee nor a family member has any special physical or mental health condition that would require the Bureau of Medical Services (MEDs) expertise may be considered by the Committee without MED input. DOD Contractors must include a 3308: DOD ICASS Verification Form. If you are an institutional contractor, write the name of the specific contracting company or NGO. In theory, confidential security clearance is not as high up on the pecking order as secret or top-secret clearance yet that is not to suggest the security clearance lacks clout. The post approval process for non-Foreign Service agencies, contractors and their EFMs mirrors the approval process for Foreign Service agencies. The following in-service employees, contractors and EFMs are required to update their medical clearance: Persons assigned to the United States and not traveling overseas do not require a medical clearance. Take charge! Obtaining security clearance is required to make sure you are eligible to access national security information. Institutional Contractors must include a 3308.5: Institutional Contractor ICASS Verification Form. You may begin submitting documents up to one year prior to departing your current post or domestic assignment. Employees subject to the six- or eight-year rule must work with their CDOs to make a request for a waiver by completing the attached 6/8 waiver request form. A medical clearance is valid until your scheduled home leave or end-of-tour whichever is sooner. All employees including Locally Employed Staff, contractors and Eligible Family Members who will be posted to a designated ESCAPE posts for 30 or more consecutive days are required to obtain a medical clearance. The examinee, parent or guardian must sign and date page 2 of the DS-1843. A MED Clearances Nurse Consultant assigned to you will follow this process: Review the list of posts submitted by the CDO or agency HR. Your CDO or Agency HR will notify you of posts you have been medically cleared for your next assignment. The local emergency room, for example, might be completely inadequate, without ventilators, defibrillators, x-ray capabilities, etc. For more information, please see our One that might be a problem with some folks is having family members that have a substantial financial interest in another country or foreign-owned business. Please return to Start Here to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. Schools are often closed during American summer months, so the process needs to start well before the end of the school year for children with educational issues. Do NOT submit bids to Medical Clearances. The process may take significantly longer than 30 days if additional information is needed to make a medical clearance decision. The government might ask more questions if: Basically any duties that might serve in the conflict of the interests of the U.S. government may disqualify you from security clearance.
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