How to explain that? cheers 12 Dec 2016 #221. Written intelligibility was only calculated for a number of language pairs. It is also said that West Slovak (Bratislava) cannot understand East Slovak, so Slovak may actually two different languages, but this is controversial. It depends which dialect. Only Croatians try so hard to press differences. However, Bulgarians claim to be able to understand Serbo-Croatian better than the other way around. Ukrainian language | Britannica It is very strange when some words are not understood, although the communication is possible. It is quite true that Macedonian speakers (even today) are switching to Serbian (although there is a resistence among some speakers of Macdonian) on informal situations. True MI testing does try to find virgin ears that have heard little of the other language and speak little or none of it. Is Ukrainian mutually intelligible with Polish? Toj e oficialnijat ezik na Republika Balgarija i edin iz 23-te oficialni ezika na Evropejskija sajuz. Can I communicate in Polish in Ukraine? - Ukraine Forum My gues. There is one factor they dont know about the internet. Russian and Ukrainian: Are They Really the Same Language? Czech and Slovak are simply dialects of this one tongue. [2], Because of the difficulty of imposing boundaries on a continuum, various counts of the Romance languages are given; in The Linguasphere register of the worlds languages and speech communities David Dalby lists 23 based on mutual intelligibility:[13]. Most people in Slovenia learn Serbian language so it is hard to estimate the real mutual intelligibility between Slovenian and Serbian language. At some point he probably became a rogue or double agent, General Musharraf says. Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian have 10-15% oral intelligibility, however, there are Bulgarian dialects that are transitional with Torlak Serbian. I was born in Upper State and I can barely understand some southern speakers.Do you think the politics in USA is also preventing the formation of new languages ? One way to look at Macedonian is that it is a Serbo-Croatian-Bulgarian transitional lect. But the language isnt problem. As an addendum, Id like to make it known that my own grandmother, who hails from a village some twenty kilometers southwest of Ni, got lost in Belgrade once but has no problem getting around Skopje. I just didnt realize that when you talked about learning the other language you were actually referring to the errors inherent in doing a non-virgin ears MI study, and not conflating language learning with mutual intelligibility. Have every heard of Dubrovnik dialect? Lets say a young Czech goes to Slovakia without prior exposure to Slovak. For me personally, Serbian is very interesting, because it sounds like Macedonian, but a bit different because of the declensions. Polish has 22% intelligibility of Silesian, 12% of Czech, 6% of Russian, and 5% of Bulgarian. I have no problems understanding the Torlakian dialect. I grew up as a Ukrainian speaker in North America. Download Ebook Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback But despite similarities in grammar and vocabulary and almost identical alphabets, they differ sharply in many ways and are not mutually intelligible. I am a good control for this because I am an American but my father is Slovak(my mother is half Slovak but American) and I can understand about 50 % of Slovak and I do have a hard time with Czech but once I get past their hacek r I can understand quite a bit. London Times, 25 September 2006 In contrast, there is often significant intelligibility between different Scandinavian languages, but as each of them has its own standard form, they are classified as separate languages. And the 25% is very low. Additionally, some Arabic speakers may be familiar with Egyptian Arabic through the media, so they may rely on this to bridge any language gaps. You get 0%. Polish is a disgusting sounding language. Czech 20 % spoken, 40 % written Je to oficiln jazyk v Bulharsk republice a jeden z 23 oficilnch jazyk v Evropsk unii. Bulgarian more comprehensible than standard Ukrainian. but what if person is from island and speaks heavy akavian and tokavian speaker is real tokavian like from Slavonia (North Eastern Croatia). There can be huge differences between spoken/written forms of a Slavic language, because the written form may have a very similar vocabulary, phonology and grammar, but due to a different, strong stress, you wont understand almost anything. Much like Nordic languages. Ni Torlak vowel reflexes are otherwise in line with standard Serbian and Northwestern Macedonian, deriving nuclear /u e i e u r/ from / y * *l *r/; some Torlak dialects towards Kosovo or Bulgaria instead have [l ~ l] for /l/ (giving [v()l(:)k] where Serbian normally has [v:k]) but none in my vicinity. About Slovak being two different unintelligible languages I highly doubt so. Spanish and Catalan have a lexical similarity of 85%. Some Poles say they find Silesian harder to understand than Belorussian or Slovak, which implies intelligibility of 20-25%. And the same problem emerges in other situations. Despite a lot of commonality between the dialects, the differences between them are significant. There are many differences between Bulgarian and Russian speakers. It is more like the other slavic languages (v instead of u, z instead of s, itd, less vowels, and no distinction between and ). Czech and Polish are incomprehensible to Serbo-Croatian speakers (Czech 10%, Polish 5%), but Serbo-Croatian has some limited comprehension of Slovak, on the order of 25%.,,,,,,,,,, Alt Left: Ukrainian Nazis Execute Two of Their Own Men for Refusing to Fight, The Conquest of Germany and Japan Never Ended, Protected: Post to Discuss All of the Various POIs and Theories in the Delphi Murders from the Crime to the Present, Protected to Avoid Libel and Character Assassination Part 10, NATO Helped the Ukrainians Fire All Those Drones at Russia, Including all the Way to Moscow, The Conquest and Destruction of Russia Project Goes Way Back to Post World War 2, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. So if you believe the fantastic conspiracy theory that 19 hijackers some have been discovered to be still alive were able to hijack 4 commercial planes for hours uninterrupted armed only with boxcutters and crash them into US largest and with the Pentagon most well guarded which has its own missile defence and radar system buildings on US? The results show that in most cases, a division between West and South Slavic languages does exist and that West . 1996 . Molise Croatian is a Croatian language spoken in a few towns in Italy, such as Acquaviva Collecroce and two other towns. Far Northeastern Slovak (Saris Slovak) near the Polish border is close to Polish and Ukrainian. Differences Between Czech Slovak And Polish: Easy Guide Polish and Russian while Slavic sounding to my ear and is maybe 5%-15% intelligible . Ive done tests with my friends shtokavians-only (or monolingual Croats regarding the situation here) and it was very interesting. Polish Ukrainian Mutually Intelligible? Languages Comparison How much Slovene can your average Chakavian speaker understand? Around 80% comprehension, it gets hard to talk about complex or technical things. I could try. Hence, Russians understand the colloquial Ukrainian spoken in the countryside pretty well, but they understand the modern standard heard on TV much less. Likewise with Polish vs Czech, and Slovenian vs Standard Croatian (these pairs are the most commonly mistaken as mutually intelligible). The revelation comes from General Musharrafs memoir, In the Line of Fire, which begins serialisation in The Times today and will further embarrass the White House at a time when relations between the US and Pakistan are already strained.. Pakistani intelligence chiefs are concerned that General Musharraf may jeopardise their relationship with British intelligence agencies after claiming that a convicted terrorist was once an MI6 informer. Tunisian Arabic is also considered mutually intelligible with Maltese, particularly with regards to idiomatic expressions. So they speak Macedonian to me and I speak Serbian to them, and we understand each other perfectly. How mutually intelligible are Ukrainian and Russian? : r/ukraine I am a native Macedonian and I totally dont agree with you. My email is on the Contact page. | Animals | Slavic Languages Comparison The Best Online German Learning Resources Ukrainian phrases Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher. Ja u raditi, for me, sounds more Croatian and Bosnian or at least archaic, and Serbians from Bosnia and Croatia also speaks in that way. Nevertheless, although intelligibility with Slovenian is high, Kajkavian lacks full intelligibility with Slovenian. Silesian or Upper Silesian is also a separate language spoken in Poland, often thought to be halfway between Polish and Czech. The Polish alphabet includes certain additional letters formed using diacritics: the kreska in the letters , , , , and through the letter in ; the kropka in the letter , and the ogonek ("little . Also, danes and swedes have a hard time understanding each other, but they can read the others language quite well. Not only that, but it is not even fully intelligible with the Eastern Slovak that it resembles most. Furthermore, there is a dialect continuum between Kajkavian and Chakavian as there is between Kajkavian and Slovenian, and lects with a dialect continuum between them are always separate languages. If one takes the transitional dialects which make a triangle between Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, one can say that it is also one language. Many Silesian speakers now speak a watered down version of Silesian which is more properly seen as a Polish dialect with some Silesian words. but they are often mutually intelligible. Ukrainians needs to make small preparation to become able for listening comprehension of Polish. Can a Russian speaker understand Polish? In the 1500s, Kajkavian began to be developed in a standard literary form. Ukrainian and Russian only have 60% lexical similarity. 4.3. YIDDISH DIALECTS - JewishGen Also, the question is: -did this Serb speak other Slavic languages? Intelligibility between the two is estimated at 82%. She introduces her and her two friends from the Czech republic and Spain, Because she speaks very clearly and slowly, I understand everything between 0:25-0:32, but then she starts a fast flood of words and between 0:32-0:36 I basically hear only s. Are belarusian and russian mutually intelligible? Slovenians have a very hard time understanding Poles and Czechs and vice versa. Serbo-Croatian dialects in relation to Slovene, Macedonian, and Bulgarian: The non-standard vernacular dialects of Serbo-Croatian (i.e. The intelligibility of Czech and Slovak is much exaggerated. Although most words are in fact different, they are largely similar, being cognates, which makes both languages mutually intelligible to a significant extent; . Some Russians and Bulgarians say they understand almost nothing of the other language. Donations are the only thing that keep the site operating. Its historical development consists of four main periods. But then it is difficult. While discussing mutual intelligibility, the author often calls upon bilingual learning; for example, Czech and Slovak are considered highly intelligible because of the strong cross-cultural overlap. Macedonain and Serbo-Croatian being 25% inteligible is simply not true. Lach is not fully intelligible with Czech; indeed, the differences between Lach and Czech are greater than the differences between Silesian and Polish, despite the fact that Lach has been heavily leveling into Moravian Czech for the last 100 years. Save. Serbo-Croatian (Shtokavian) has 55% intelligibility of Macedonian (varies from 25-90%), 27% of Slovenian, 25% of Slovak, 20% of Ukrainian, 13% of oral Bulgarian and 25% of written Bulgarian, 10% of oral Russian and 22% of written Russian, 10% of Czech, and 5% of Polish. It is an official language of the Bulgarian republic and one of 23 official languages of the European Union. The main Turkologist I worked with on that chapter told me that he thought 90% was a good metric. possession is indicated most frequently using dative pronouns, unlike Serbians tendency to use possessive pronouns in greater frequency It's not learning, but for become understanding - Ukrainian must listen Polish language from some hours to some days to get used to very specific pronunciation. There is . Less than 90% mutual intelligibility = separate languages. Slovak is closely related to Czech, to the point of mutual intelligibility to a very high degree, as well as Polish.Like other Slavic languages, Slovak is a fusional language with a complex system of morphology and relatively flexible word order. 70%? I also worked in a resteraunt with lots of west and south slavs there and I have to say that Serbian and crotian has a lot of ilarities with Slovak. Rather than 95%, or 85%. Maybe it is true for two persons from the opposite end of the dialect continium (Hrvatsko Zagorje and Strumica), that have never been out of their villages and try to communicate on their respective native dialects. Also I have a long article coming up as a chapter in a peer reviewed book being published out of Turkey. Also what is a dialect and what is a language? becomes confusing for me since I can say a sentence in Kai/Cha thats almost the same in Slovene but different in BSCM standards. Score: 4.1/5 (74 votes) . We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. If youre learning multiple languages at once, pairing similar languages is a great way to maximize your studying. Later I found out that Slovenian and Bulgarian/Macedonian are all south Slavic languages while Serbian language is actually a western Slavic language like Slovak/Czech/Polish. Thread starter Bamaro; Start date Feb 15, 2023 . Huchon, Mireille, Histoire de la langue franaise, pages 214 and 223. However, in recent years, there has also been quite a bit of bilingual learning. For example we chakavians use a lot of words used in Polish, Ukrainian, Slovak etc but in standard Croatian those words are described as archaisms and instead words used in tokavian come from Turkish. This is because colloquial Ukrainian is closer to the Ukrainian spoken in the Soviet era which had huge Russian influence. Can you give me a figure for how much of a Bulgarian text you can understand? It uses shtokavian dialect but simultaniously italianized vocabulary,and it is very hard to be understood while speaking to a common Croatian speaker.Would that also be considered a separate language? Bulgarian is a pluricentric language it has several literary norms. Accent is on last or penultimate syllable. Get 70% off + 10 languages + 14 day free trial. That being said, the line between a language and a dialect is often blurred. For example, those who learn Ukrainian will eventually know 70% of Polish lexicon and a . Pretty accurate I think. Ponaszymu appears to lack full intelligibility with Czech. It has many Hungarian words, archaic Slavic words and words of an unknown origin (at least to me). Slobozhan Russian is very close to Ukrainian, closer to Ukrainian than it is to Russian, and Slobozhan Ukrainian is very close to Russian, closer to Russian than to Ukrainian. Silesian, which can be heard in the southwest (sometimes also considered a separate language). Problem is the spoken form, as Bulgarians dont speak as it is written, which is the case with serbian or croatian. The more German the Silesian dialect is, the harder it is for Poles to understand. However, Dutch speakers usually understand more German than the reverse because they study German in school. If you choose to study a language thats mutually intelligible with one you already know, chances are youll have to put a lot less work in than if you were learning a language from scratch. You also have these words? And o shifts to u. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility - UniLang Cieszyn Silesian speakers strongly reject the notion that they speak the same language as Upper Silesians. Czechs claim only 10-15% intelligibility of Polish. Mutual intelligibility between languages can make learning them much easier. Jeff Lindsay estimates that Russian has 85% intelligibility with Rusyn (which has a small number of speakers in Central and Eastern Europe). Click here to get a copy. Classifications may also shift for reasons external to the languages themselves. The problem is that native speakers can understand other speakers of their own language. Intelligibility testing between East and West Slovak would seem to be in order. The languages really split about 1,000 years ago, but written Slovak was based on written Czech, and there was a lot of interlingual communication. This is not the case, as all figures were derived from estimates by native speakers themselves, often a number of estimates averaged together. So I understood 100% But I admit that it was a relatively very easy text. Just search for alternative Croatian or kaikavian lessons and you will find me, along witht he contact information. Same question, how much Chakavian can your average Shtokavian speaker understand in percentage? Hence, many religious books were imported from Russia, and these books influenced Bulgarian. I believe Check out his page on the FBI 10 most wanted website. So I tried with my native Slovenian language and I was surprised how well Bulgars understand Slovenian language. While not usually considered mutually intelligible, theres also enough similarity between French and Italian that speakers of Portuguese may understand both of these languages. So, when you're learning the Polish alphabet, all you have to pay attention to are the special accents and the pronunciation. Spanish is most mutually intelligible with Galician. Is Bulgarian Similar to Russian? A Side-by-Side Comparison In its written form Bulgarian is even more different than in its spoken form. Ukrainians and Belarusians understand each other's languages with no problem. Serbians often say radiu and its very similar to Croatian raditi u or radit u, but sometimes Serbians say ja u da radim or even u da radim without ja (I), because u is first singular form of the verb hteti and ja is needless, but its very rare and common for southern Serbian dialects and also very very irregular in official Serbian, but that is very similar to official Macedonian. In akavian they are once more old slavic. theres a macedonian TV program called Vo Centar, hosted by a macedoanian journalist who goes around the Balkans and interviews prominent names in politics etc. BR, The real reason that Slavs cant even understand each other: not enough vowels in their tongues! But being that they are Slavic with the same or similar grammar and structure you pick up different slavic languages and their style very quick. Maltese. do is the same verb (prim/pri/pri/primo/prite/pre vs. pravam/pravi/pravi/pravime/pravite/pravaat; as opposed to Serbian raditi) What language is closest to Polish? I speak Slovenian and Croats think that I can speak Kaikavian. I would hazzard to say that Polish and Czech languages are at minimum 50% Intelligible and comprehensible between Poles and Czechs (when spoken with normal pace ) and at least 60-70% . I think (as a native Serbian speaker from south eastern Belgrade) the main difference between Serbian and Macedonian is that Macedonian doesnt have cases and have definite articles as well. How mutually intelligible are Czech and polish? | Latin D What is the basis on which your Serbian friend said that? When it is relatively symmetric, it is characterized as "mutual".
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